A Django application to retrieve user's IP address
Best attempt to get user's (client's) real ip-address while keeping it DRY.
1. easy_install django-ipware
2. pip install django-ipware
3. git clone http://github.com/un33k/django-ipware
a. cd django-ipware
b. run python setup.py
4. wget https://github.com/un33k/django-ipware/zipball/master
a. unzip the downloaded file
b. cd into django-ipware-* directory
c. run python setup.py
# If your web server is publicly accessible on the Internet
# =========================================================
# To get the `real`, `public` IP address of the client.
# Where:
# `Real IP` = Client's IP and not that of any `in-between` proxies.
# `Public IP` = Any IP address that is route-able on the Internet
from ipware.ip import get_real_ip
ip = get_real_ip(request)
if ip is not None:
# we have a real, public ip address for user
# we don't have a real, public ip address for user
# If your web server is NOT publicly accessible on the Internet
# =============================================================
# To get the `best matched` IP address of the client.
# Where:
# `Best Matched IP` = The first matched public IP or the last matched non-public IP.
from ipware.ip import get_ip
ip = get_ip(request)
if ip is not None:
# we have an ip address for user
# we don't have an ip address for user
# you can provide your own meta precedence order by
# settings.py. The check is done from top to bottom
'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', # client, proxy1, proxy2
# you can provide your own private IP prefixes by
# including IPWARE_PRIVATE_IP_PREFIX in your setting.py
# IPs that start with items listed below are ignored
# and are not considered a `real` IP address
'0.', '1.', '2.', # externally non-routable
'10.', # class A private block
'169.254.', # link-local block
'172.16.', '172.17.', '172.18.', '172.19.',
'172.20.', '172.21.', '172.22.', '172.23.',
'172.24.', '172.25.', '172.26.', '172.27.',
'172.28.', '172.29.', '172.30.', '172.31.', # class B private blocks
'192.0.2.', # reserved for documentation and example code
'192.168.', # class C private block
'255.255.255.', # IPv4 broadcast address
) + ( # the following addresses MUST be in lowercase)
'2001:db8:', # reserved for documentation and example code
'fc00:', # IPv6 private block
'fe80:', # link-local unicast
'ff00:', # IPv6 multicast
To run the tests against the current environment:
python manage.py test
Released under a (BSD) license.