ezplatform-admin-ui-modules changes between v1.4.0 and v1.5.0-rc1
- EZP-29994: Move CSS files for Multi File Upload Module to Admin UI (#126)
- EZP-29995: Move CSS files for Sub Items List Module to Admin UI (#131)
- EZP-29996: Move CSS files for Universal Discovery Module to Admin UI (#130)
- EZP-30064: As an editor I would like to view a content tree in location view (with mocked data) (#136)
- EZP-30069: As an editor I would like to change manually the width of content tree panel (#137)
- EZP-29999: As an editor, I want to see custom icons for content types (#132)
- EZP-30070: As an editor I would like content tree to match design from wireframes (#139)
- EZP-30066: As an editor I would like to see current location marked as selected in the content tree (#140)
- EZP-30037: Use Webpack Encore in Admin UI modules bundle (#133)
- EZP-30065: As an editor I would like content tree to use real data (#143)
- EZP-30071: As an editor I would like to see tables not breaking location view design while making its container small (#138)
- EZP-30075: As an editor I would like to be redirected to a location after clicking on it in the content tree (#147)
- EZP-30072: As an editor I would like to see the content tree state restored after reloading a page (#144)
- EZP-30187: As an editor I would like content tree to always have expanded current location (#149)
- EZP-30196: "Select a Content Type" from UDW -> Create is missing Content Type icons (#151)
- EZP-30193: As an editor I would like content tree to "Collapse all" button (#150)
- EZP-30195: As a developer I would like content tree to use config from the backend (#152)
- EZP-30188: As an editor I would like content tree to display spinner while loading items (#153)
- EZP-30205: As an editor I would like content tree to hold separate state for different users (#155)
- EZEE-2660: 500 error occurs when publishing form in form on the fly (#125)
- EZP-30042: I can see fine grey lines in Bookmark & Search tables in UDW (#135)
- EZP-30021: Inactive UDW tabs have wrong background colour (#134)
- EZP-30138: Solr scoring is not taken into account in the UDW search results list order (#141)
- EZP-30207: "Show more" button does not show in root if not all items are loaded (#154)