This repo implements paper Position-Based Surface Tension Flow (SIGGRAPH Aisa 2022). Several cases including:
- Cubic droplet turns into a sphere without external force
- Bouncing droplet
- Faucet dripping
are validated. Here is an animation to be loaded.
git clone [email protected]:f1shel/pbstf.git # SSH
git clone # HTTPS
These dependencies have already been included in the external
cd pbstf
mkdir build
cd build
# Step 1: Configure Eigen
mkdir eigen_build
cd eigen_build
cmake ../../external/eigen
cd ..
# Step 2: Configure IMath
mkdir imath_build
cd imath_build
cmake --build . --target install --config Release
cd ..
# Step 3: Build the project
cmake .. -DEigen3_DIR="../external/eigen/cmake" -DImath_DIR="./imath_build/lib/cmake/Imath"
cmake --build . --target main --config Release
Intermediate results for visualization will be output in the folder <executable>/vis