This is a web app that let you plan your future trips effectively.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Node and npm manager
- Geonames API developer account
- Weatherbit API developer account
- Pixabay API developer account
- mongoLab developer account
You need node
and npm
installed on your system to be able to run and build this project.
In order to install and run this project follow the below steps
- Go to Geonames Website and register as a developer for free.
- Go to Weatherbit Website and register as a developer for free.
- Go to Pixabay and register as a developer for free.
- Go to mongoLab and register as a developer for free.
- Go to Node Website and install node server / npm manager on your system.
- Fork or clone this repository and download it to your system.
- Go to downloaded repository and create a file named ".env".
- Edit ".env" with your appID and apiKeys optained from API Website and mongoLab user and password in the following format
DB_USERNAME =***********************
DB_PASSWORD =***********************
PASSPORT_SECRET =***********************
- Run following command on terminal/cmd/shell in the project folder
npm install
To start the webpack dev server at port 8080
npm run build-dev
Generate the dist files and then start server at port 3000
npm run build-prod
npm start
Testing is done with Jest. To run test, use the command
npm run test
- HTML5 - Front-end markup language
- SASS - Front-end styling language
- javascript - Front-end code bundler
- Bootstrap 4 - Front-end styleing library
- Webpack - Front-end built tool
- Express - NodeJS Back-end server
- MongoDB - Back-end Database
- Passport.js - Back-end server Authentication
- EJS - Back-end Templating