EntityArchiverBundle handles automatic archiving or removal of doctrine entities in the application.
composer require fastbolt/entity-archiver-bundle
You will need to create an entity-archiver.yaml file in your config directory. See 'Configuration' below.
To use the command, you will need to add the following line to the bundles.php:
Fastbolt\EntityArchiverBundle\EntityArchiverBundle::class => ['all' => true]
Execute by using this command:
php bin/console entity-archiver:run
--dry-run Will only display the results table, showing all entities from entity-archiver.yaml, the total number of entries in the origin table and the number of entities selected for archiving
--update-schema Will update the archive tables based on the configuration in entity-archiver.yaml
table_suffix: archive
- entity: App\Entity\Log
strategy: archive
- {
type: age,
age: 1,
unit: months,
field: created_at
archivingDateFieldName: archived_at
fields: [
table_suffix Suffix of the tables created by the bundle to hold the archived entities
addArchivedAt Wether to add a field for the archiving date in the archive table
archivingDateFieldName Field name of the generated date field holding the date when the archiving was done, default 'archived_at'
strategy What to do with the entity when it is selected to be archived
- remove Deletes the enitity using the 'id'-column
- archive Removes it from the original table and pastes a non-unique copy to the archive table
- type: age
- age integer
- unit ("days"/"months"/"years")
- field Entity field that is used to determin the age of the entry (Datetime)
Adding new Filters and Strategies: New filters need to implement the EntityArchivingFilterInterface, while strategies will need to implement the ArchivingStrategyInterface. Add the corresponding tag in the services.yaml.
tags: [ 'fastbolt.archiver.filter' ]
tags: [ 'fastbolt.archiver.strategy' ]
Make doctrine ignore archive Tables: Doctrine will generate migrations to delete the generated archive tables, as they are not connected to an entity. To prevent that, add an exception to your doctrine configuration (replace '_archive' if you changed the table suffix):
schema_filter: ~^(?!.*_archive$)~