A simple utility to convert local docker image to remote singularity image suitable for running on HPC environments.
Generally speaking there is a straightforward way to do this if you create and make your docker image available in a repository. In such case, you can pull the docker image and directly convert it to a singularity using
singularity pull docker://repo/image:tag
However, this utility is useful when you want to stay offline and directly convert your local docker image to a singularity container.
is where you configure/debug/create your docker image. Most probably this will be your local machine with docker setup.- In
, image can be customized based on requirements e.g. packages and dependencies etc. Please note that the same environment will be available in singularity
- In
is any environment withsingularity
already setup. Usually this will be an HPC head/login node.
This is a three step process.
to create local docker image tarball- [Optional] Customize image name in
- [Optional] Customize image name in
- Upload following to
environment. (Any file transfer utility e.g.scp
(locally generated docker image tarball)d2s_remote.sh
to generate singularity image (d2s_image.sif
Once you successfully create a singularity image, you can launch and get a shell in it using
singularity shell d2s_image
Alternatively, you can submit a job to HPC with the singularity container by creating the following sbatch
[NOTE] Please change CMD
to desired command or script to be executed for the job.
# Script file name: sbatch_run.sh
#SBATCH --job-name=bone_sim
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G
#SBATCH --partition=high
#SBATCH -o %x-%j.out # File to which STDOUT will be written
#SBATCH -e %x-%j.err # File to which STDERR will be written
singularity run d2s_image.sif CMD
Then submit the job by
sbatch sbatch_run.sh