What's Changed
- Feature/1818 form 24 e2e tests by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1824
- Feature/1689 f1m e2e by @toddlees in #1822
- 1800 - parse email from FEC by @toddlees in #1834
- 799 - Update model to have count of transactions and reports replaced with a boolean by @sasha-dresden in #1835
- Bugfix/1843 - Add to Form 24 option should only be available on IEs by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1846
- Release/sprint 40 to DEV by @mjtravers in #1857
- feature/1851 - All caps Email and justify content so the buttons are pushed to the ends by @sasha-dresden in #1855
- feature/1850 - Convert h3 to h2 for 'Committee treasurer' and 'Enter password' by @sasha-dresden in #1856
- Bugfix/1840 - contact dialog country/state fixes by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1847
- Fixes two bugs by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1842
- feature/1852 - Center loading icons by @sasha-dresden in #1859
- Feature/404 - Filter Transaction Types on the Transaction Select screen when committee is PAC by @sasha-dresden in #1848
- Feature/291 - JSON Schema Verification (April 2024) by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1836
- Feature/1755 - feedback dialog by @dheitzer in #1827
- feature/1858 - Add striping to tables by @sasha-dresden in #1862
- feature/1853 - Bold (REQUIRED IF OTHER) by @sasha-dresden in #1861
- Bug/1833 Adds login guard and temporary consent by @toddlees in #1863
- Feature/303 - Updates validator commit hash by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1864
- Feature/354 by @dheitzer in #1838
- feature/1858 - Change striping color from #E8E8E8 to #F8F8F8 by @sasha-dresden in #1865
- Feature/1637 - Various e2e fixes, original ticket request for amendments. by @sasha-dresden in #1866
- feature/1755 qa testing by @dheitzer in #1870
- feature/1849 - Add committee info to Form 3X creation by @sasha-dresden in #1860
- #1880 Fix submit styling by @toddlees in #1882
- Update issue-template.md to add Design section by @AureliaKhorsand in #1900
- Fix committee select underline and confirmation info button alignment by @mjtravers in #1911
- Feature/1901 - Case-insensitive email collision when adding users by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1909
- 1872 - Use cloud.gov buildpack instead of pulling from cloudfoundry GitHub link by @lbeaufort in #1884
- feature/1903 - Switch Manage Users card to use same css as other table cards. And remove border from table cards. by @sasha-dresden in #1913
- feature/1905 - Cleanup add-button css and add css for restore-contact-button by @sasha-dresden in #1914
- Patch - Fixes e2e errors on the contacts page by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1917
- feature/1889 - Move version_label from front end to back to allow for sorting by @sasha-dresden in #1910
- feature/865 - Update create/update/multiSaveReattRedes to all return ids from the api by @sasha-dresden in #1916
- Feature/1599 - Set up prettier check to be run as part of circle linting process by @sasha-dresden in #1891
- Feature/560 - Make Download tray for downloading .fec files by @sasha-dresden in #1883
- feature/1659 - Update isPTY logic to treat 'U' 'X' as PAC/PTY by @sasha-dresden in #1899
- feature/1905 - Update text of 'Manage Contacts' to 'Manage contacts' and 'Add Contact' to 'Add contact' by @sasha-dresden in #1919
- Release/sprint 41 by @mjtravers in #1885
- Release/sprint 41 -> develop by @toddlees in #1921
- feature/560 - Update z-indexes so Feedback button and entry form will appear above download tray by @sasha-dresden in #1922
- feature/1749 - Update circle dependency check to also check python dependencies by @sasha-dresden in #1897
- Feature/1814 - Restore Contact button is conditionally visible by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1924
- feature/858 - Update line_label_order_key to line_label sorting as the transaction tables display line_label by @sasha-dresden in #1902
- 858 - Fixed lint issue as part of larger ticket by @mjtravers in #1929
- Feature/1906 - Rework tables so all have same styling and move results to bottom by @sasha-dresden in #1931
- [Merge before PR to develop] 1928 - Hotfix: Fix e2e tests (hotfix -> main) 1 of 2 by @lbeaufort in #1939
- [Merge after PR to main branch] 1928 - Hotfix/fix e2e tests (hotfix -> develop) 2 of 2 by @lbeaufort in #1940
- feature/1928 Fixing e2e test issues by @sasha-dresden in #1942
- Feature/angular 17 by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1930
- feature/1888 - Setup all tables to sort based on first field by @sasha-dresden in #1944
- feature/1926 - Add focus-ring to dropdown button by @sasha-dresden in #1955
- Patch/e2e transaction sorting fix by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1956
- Updates Node version when running E2E tests in CircleCI by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1960
- Updates Node version when running E2E tests in CircleCI by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1959
- Hotfix/node update by @sasha-dresden in #1961
- feature/1953 - Fix location on column sorts on all Tables by @sasha-dresden in #1974
- feature/1951 - Update Transactions in this report data table column headers by @sasha-dresden in #1973
- feature/1950 - Update Manage report data table column headers by @sasha-dresden in #1972
- feature/1945 update banner font size by @dheitzer in #1971
- feature/1904 - Update contact list to have actions button by @sasha-dresden in #1967
- feature/1954 - Add vertical divider lines between table columns by @sasha-dresden in #1965
- Feature/1946 - Update text capitalization of 'Manage contacts' by @sasha-dresden in #1970
- feature/1949 - Update css on Transactions toolbar by @sasha-dresden in #1966
- Feature/1948 - Update 'Add report'button and fix css for spacing between toolbar and header when no bottom line by @sasha-dresden in #1968
- Feature/1947 - Update text capitalization of Manage users and button color of add button by @sasha-dresden in #1969
- Release/sprint 42 by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1958
- feature/883 - Update status check to also check task state by @sasha-dresden in #1962
- feature/1904 - Update styling on table actions button text by @sasha-dresden in #1986
- feature/1976 - Fix sort order of Loans & Debts transactions table sorted by line_label by @sasha-dresden in #1983
- Feature/1907 - Login page redux by @sasha-dresden in #1984
- feature/1907 - Add missing period and update breaks by @sasha-dresden in #1993
- Feature/1977 - Fix contact transaction history by @sasha-dresden in #1985
- Feature/1990 by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #1992
- feature/1977 - Fix issue with report list type label by @sasha-dresden in #1995
- feature/1907 - Update break point for 1 or 2 lines in login header. by @sasha-dresden in #1996
- 1539 - Update validate commit hash by @mjtravers in #1997
- Release/sprint 43 by @dheitzer in #1998
Full Changelog: sprint-40...sprint-43