Privagram - Your Private Album || src:
A simple Photo-Sharing App, built for group of friends or families to share the photos that aren't allow in social media, but at the same time are the funniest of the gathering/party.
Be sure to add that lovely star 😀 and fork it for your own copy
Tech used: EJS, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Express, MongoDB and passport.js, cloudinary, multer.
Notable Dependencies:
- connect-mongo (
- Used to save cookie in database that allowed for user's session to persist.
- dotenv (
- Intergration of .env file that allows protection and processing of environment variables.
- express-session (
- Middleware that aids formating of user session cookie data. Used in cooperation with 'connect-mongo' to store the session in the database.
- mongoose (
- Schema-based solution to model application data. Used to validate/organize database user and story entries.
- morgan (
- Node. js and Express middleware to log HTTP requests and errors. Used to simply process of testing/troubleshooting during development.
- passport (
- Authentication middleware for Node.js. Used to modularize the authentication process with OAuth and Google login.
- passport-local (
- The local authentication strategy authenticates users using a username and password.
- ejs- local (
- embeded javascript templating language for the frontend.
- bcrypt (
- A library to help you hash passwords.
- cloudinary (
- A free DB to store and deliver media assets.
- Multer (
- Multer is a node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data, which is primarily used for uploading files.
I used tailwind for the first time to add quick, consistent, and responsive styling.
Optimizations: implement friends, tags, option to blurred face if the person that is in the photo don't like it, and add a choice for Google Authentication for login.
Add a .env file in the config folder with these two values:
- PORT = 2121 //or whatever you choose
- DB_STRING = //MongoDB connection string
- CLOUD_NAME = //Cloudinary Cloud Name
- API_KEY = //Cloudinary API Key
- API_SECRET = //Cloudinary API Secret