The RGB Project is a completely free, open-source, non-profit and community-oriented effort aimed at the development of standards and best practices to issue, transmit and store "Bitcoin-based non-bitcoin assets". Motivations and rationale for this effort are outlined in the Introduction document. Basic information about the project can be provided by the developers in the Telegram Group.
- RGB Resource Map
- RGB Protocol Specifications
- What makes RGB special: Client-Side-Validation
- Donations
- License
The present repository contains, along with an Introduction to the RGB Project and some thoughts concerning its possible Future Evolution, the specifications for the RGB standard proposal and its different modules, while the source code for the reference implementation of each module is contained in a specific repository within this same GitHub Organization.
- The RGB module represents the core of the protocol, documenting the low level asset logic; its reference implementation source code (written in Rust) can be found in the RGB repository, this module makes use of a fork of Libwally, modified to include the necessary pay-to-contract low level functions.
- The Kaleidoscope module wraps up and coordinates all the other modules, documenting the high level functions to interact with the protocol; its reference implementation source code (written in Rust) can be found in the Kaleidoscope repository.
- The Bifröst module documents the transmission, the storage and the publication of the proofs in the Client-Side-Validation paradigm; its reference implementation source code (written in Rust) can be found in the Bifröst repository.
- The Lightning-Network Integration module documents the extentions to the BOLT specifications necessary to adapt/extend to RGB the Lightning-Network-based off-chain functionalities, like the creation, the update and the closing of asset-enabled channels and the BOLT-based routing/exchange functionalities for the assets; implementations of these extensions include a fork of C-Lightning and a fork of LND.
- The Proofmarshal module documents another, asset-specific, layer 2 solution to improve scalability and privacy, alternative and complementary to the Lightning-Network one, based on the Proofmarshal idea; its reference implementation source code (written in Rust) can be found in the Proofmarshal repository.
Donations are welcome: 1RGB1TAg6xrUJmvWQqc5Q1SmjdLSCzdnu
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.