by Ethan Geller and Andrew Forsyth
ver 0.1.1
Engine for audio-driven adventure games. Features basic graph functionality (chaining), FFT convolution, and easy audio file loading.
For an example of a project that uses SqueakEngine, check out Squeak.
Special thanks to Gary Scavone for maintaining RtAudio, and to Ge Wang for all his guidance.
Documentation is on the way, as soon as a few critical bugs are fixed.
SqueakEngine works with RtAudio. The RtAudio source is included in the SqueakEngine repository. However, any audio API that gives you a callback method will work with SqueakEngine.
the SqueakEngine is primarily controlled through an EnGen object:
EnGen engine;
The EnGen handles the scheduling. Set it up in your audio callback function by calling the synthesize2
int callback(void *outputBuffer, void *inputBuffer, unsigned int numFrames,
double streamTime, RtAudioStreamStatus status, void *data) {
float *input = (float *) inputBuffer;
float *output = (float *) outputBuffer;
engine.synthesize2(input, output, numFrames);
return 0;
There are several types of unit generators included out of the box with Squeak Engine. To create a basic sound, use the SoundSourceGen
SoundSourceGen DoorOpen = SoundSourceGen("sound/singles/door_open.wav");
//play sound once
Loading a soundfile into a BackgroundGen
object will cause it to loop continuously until stopped:
BackgroundGen introMusic = BackgroundGen("sound/ambient/theme.wav");
//play music
//set up background music
Loading a .wav file of an impulse response into a RoomGen
will allow you to convolve a sound with that room:
int doorClosetSize;
RoomGen heavenRoom = RoomGen("sound/impulses/heaven.wav");
float* doorCloseSound = heavenRoom.getSoundInRoom(dryDoorClose.getSound(), DoorClose.getSize(), &doorCloseSize);
This is not very elegant, though. It's a work in progress :)
To make your own unit generators in SqueakEngine, subclass the AudioGen
. You can do all your processing by overriding the synthesize2
virtual bool synthesize2(float* input, float* output, int numframes);