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Fernando Hackbart edited this page Jun 21, 2017 · 25 revisions

Biosphere is one organic computing oriented implementation using the concept of tissue that composes organs and are composed of cells and serve services, the components share one DNA the keeps the identity of the tissue consistent.

The concept of tissue and cells is very close to the concepts of the reactive manifesto, currently the Biosphere implementation is being revised to be migrated to a Scala/Akka actor model implementation.

The metric collection/goals model works better with a data stream topology, also the service concept into the Biosphere concept is better implemented as actors using Akka core and Akka HTTP along with Akka Streams, for more information about Akka check the Akka website.

The current code is frozen until the Actor based implementation research is done and the Biosphere starts to be implemented as actors.

Some highlights of the Biosphere implementation:

  • Biosphere is a pure distributed system, not single point of failure of central administration component.
  • The DNA is replicated and assured consistent by using the DNA blockchain technology.
  • The tissue ensures autonomic behavior by using foundations of autonomic computing and organic computing
  • The tissue ensures autonomic behavior by using one ontology based knowledge structure.
  • The tissue assures computing power by using a viral cell allocation strategy
  • In a public tissue the follow the sun strategy can be used for renting computing power
  • This project is being implemented using the Eclipse, Gradle, FreeMind and Protégé tools
  • The tissue delivers events on components using EDA (event delivery architecture)
  • No central certificate authority is used in the signature of cell certificates, the cell generates its own key pair and is recognized as per its public certificate that is shared through the DNA. This called the tissue trust assurance implementation.
  • The tissue oriented architecture helps the implementation of defense mechanisms and healing mechanisms that mimic natural tissues, the topic tissue recovery explains better the approach on how Biosphere is expected to handle corrective actions.

The tissue design should follow some norms:

  • The tissue itself benefits from the those definitions, the capabilities of the tissue are found also in each cell, and the relationship between the cell and the tissue should be described in a way that any cell could affect the tissue to heal a service and the tissue could affect a cell to heal one service.
  • Cell should be able to die without affecting the tissue or service.
  • The tissue DNA should keep the totality of the knowledge about the tissue cells, services and behaviors.

The tissue keeps its definition and structure using the tissue DNA which contains all the required definitions to keep the tissue alive and performing the organ required services.

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