This plugin will allow you to write template strings on the frontmatter of your markdown files.
This plugin was developed to be used on Gatsby projects.
Install it with
$ npm install --save gatsby-frontmatter-template-parser
Then on your gatsby-config.js
const gatsbyFrontMatterTemplateParser = require('gatsby-frontmatter-template-parser');
const path = require('path');
const yamlModelsDirectory = path.join(__dirname, 'yaml-models');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
"resolve": `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
"options": {
engines: {
yaml: gatsbyFrontMatterTemplateParser({
At this point you have already completed the setup for this plugin. Check below to see the usage for your YAML
namespace: authors # This is required. When you access this yaml model you'll access using this namespace. e.g: "{{authors.johnDoe}}"
name: John Doe
age: 26
On your frontmatter, you'll simply need to use the {{}}
notation. See below:
author: "{{authors.johnDoe}}"
The plugin will make sure that {{authors.johnDoe}}
will be translated to the matching object.