Releases: florianneukirchen/scipy_filters
Releases · florianneukirchen/scipy_filters
- PCA: optionally scale the data to unit variance (Std of 1) before performing PCA
- PCA: add a plot of the variance explained to the output if Plotly is installed
- PCA Biplot algorithm (requires Plotly)
- RasterWizard: Support setting band descriptions and accessing bands by band description.
- Bugfix: Check if layer is provided by gdal (i.e. local file, not wms etc.) and give feedback if otherwise (RasterWizard raises TypeError).
- Bugfix: In PCA, correctly apply nodata mask, also if nodata value was 0
- Bugfix: In Fill no data, get correct central value for signed integer (0)
RasterWizard: Raise TypeError if layer is not a raster layer
New RasterWizard for python users
Bugfix: PCA, calculate band mean without no data value
- Mask no data cells (no data pixels remain no data pixels)
- Fill no data cells to smooth the leaking into the neighborhood
- Add filter to calculate a no data mask
- Add filter to apply a no data mask (set corresponding cells to no data)
- Add filter to fill no data cells of all bands with either a value, the band mean or the minimum, maximum or the central value of the data type
- For large rasters: calculate in a moving window to avoid crashes
- Add setValue() to the custom widgets to get loading from history working
- Calculating band statistics after completion is optional now
- Get translation working (except for help strings)
- Add German translation
- New algorithms:
- correlate with a given kernel (classic and FFT versions)
- gradient (x,y axes and for pixels across bands)
- difference (each pixel across bands)
- keep only n components of PCA
- New: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Advanced option to change the dtype of the output
- For filters where negative values are expected in the output, use float32 as default output dtype (instead of dtype of input layer) to avoid clipping and overflow errors
- Convolve: normalize with sum of absolute values of kernel as default, not simply the sum
- Unsharp mask: Avoid overflow error by calculating in float64
- Use sizes widget in more filters
- More load options for kernel/structure/footprint
- New origin widget and add origin as parameter to a couple of filters
- New set of filters for pixel statistics (std, mean, min ... for all bands of individual pixels)
- Catch exception if SciPy is not installed and offer to install it automatically (with pip)
- Improved user interface with custom widgets, making it more intuitive and allowing for far better parameters (see breaking changes if you already used version 0.1 in a script or model).
- Calculate and write band statistics (min, max, mean, std) into the metadata of the output file; enables QGIS to render correctly with min/max stretching
- New filters:
- unsharp mask
- rank filter
- uniform filter (a.k.a. mean filter, box filter)
- estimate local variance
- estimate local standard deviation
- range filter
- fourier gaussian filter
- fourier ellipsoid filter
- fourier uniform filter
- Wiener filter
- FFT convolve
- Breaking changes to the parameters:
- FOOTPRINTBOOL has been removed, if a footprint is given it is always used.
- STRUCTURE always takes the actual structure as string, not an int (was index of combobox, the combobox has been replaced by the load button). CUSTOMSTRUCTURE has been removed.
- Convolve: ORIGIN has been removed. (An improved version is on the todo list)
First release