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Quick Start

  1. Powershell
    1. npm run build; serve -s build -p 3005
  2. Open http://localhost:3005 in browser
  3. Install as App
  4. Edit some files, then re-build
    1. npm run build; serve -s build -p 3005
  5. Watch App auto-updates itself


  1. For demo purpose, the update check is done every 10 seconds
  2. see Video pwa-auto-update.mp4
  3. Auto updater hinges on the addition of the following console.log statement in service-worker.ts
    1. // Any other custom service worker logic can go here.
      const buildVersion = (): void => {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      console.log("Build version: ", process.env.REACT_APP_BUILD_VERSION);
    2. .env.REACT_APP_BUILD_VERSION is updated automatically on every npm run build, see .\package.json
  4. The tricky bit is when this auto-updater code is added AFTER an app is installed
    1. Timeline:
      1. Build app WITHOUT auto-updater, called app-v0
      2. Install & run app-v0
      3. Edit some files, add auto-updater bit, rebuild as app-v1
      4. app-v0 is still running, restart it
      5. app-v0 detects that an update app-v1 is available, downloads and installs app-v1
        1. Close app-v0 to activate app-v1
        2. Re-open app, app-v1 runs now
        3. auto-updater should work as expected now


PWA Auto Update after build






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