Implementation of word2vec from scratch using Numpy
Author: Hang LE
Email: [email protected]
For further details, please check out my blog post of Understanding Word Vectors and Implementing Skip-gram with Negative Sampling.
Note: currently only skip-gram with negative sampling is implemented. CBOW and more advanced features will be added in the future.
The code is run in the terminal using the following syntax.
In the train mode, running the below line will train using the training corpus and save the model to <path_to_save_model>.
python --text <path_to_training_corpus>
--model <path_to_save_model>
--nEmbed <embedding_dimension>
--negativeRate <negative_rate>
--winSize <window_size>
--minCount <minimum_count>
--stepsize <learning_rate>
--epochs <number_of_epochs>
In which there is only 2 required arguments, which are '--text' and '--model'. The other arguments are used to run different experiments and to save the model based on names of the parameters to avoid overlapping. These arguments are set using default values.
I also set early stopping with the patience parameter to stop training if the loss does not decrease after a specified number of consecutive epochs.
In the test mode, running the below line will print the cosine similarity computed by the saved model between pairs of words in the test file.
python --text <path_to_test_corpus>
--model <path_to_saved_model>
In the evaluation mode, running the below line will compute the correlation between the cosine similarity computed by the saved model and the ground-truth similarity. Please note that the cosine similarity computed by the model is in the range [-1, 1].
python --text <path_to_test_corpus>
--model <path_to_saved_model>