Fully functional NodeJS & Express REST backend showcasing JWT Passport authentication, Winston logging and Sequelize ORM. Not another cluttered boilerplate, only must-haves inlcuded.
Production ready example containing technologies every REST backend should use. It is also a showcase of used technologies and their basic usage.
- NodeJS based backend with Express wrapping
- Sequelize ORM using PostgreSQL
- showcasing basic query API
- showcasing basic native API calls
- showcasing spatial queries
- Epilogue wrapper for more elegant exposal of REST entities
- JWT authentication
- showcasing basic authentication and user roles
- showcasing Passport integration with Facebook and Google strategies
- Logging using Winston logger into MongoDB
- showcase of intercepting and logging requests
- Testing of REST endpoints using Chai and Chai Immutable
In order to run the example:
- Configure access to your PostgreSQL database (in config/config.json)
- Configure access to MongoDB database (in config/mongo.config)
- Configure Passport credentials for your app (in config/app_config.json)
Migrate models into your DB:
npm run db-migrate
Seed mock entities into your DB:
npm run db-seed
Start the backend:
npm run start