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fosNoddie edited this page Jul 8, 2017 · 1 revision

Boxcar support has been dropped as of PokeAlarm version 3.1. Do not raise issues on github or Discord regarding this service.



This guide assumes

  1. You are familiar with JSON formatting
  2. You have read and understood the Alarms Wiki
  3. You are comfortable with the layout of alarms.json.

Please familiarize yourself with all of the above before proceeding.


brett has a mew

Boxcar is a cross-platform universal notifcation tool available on iOS, Android, and PhoneGap.

PokeAlarm offers the following for Boxcar:

  • High resolution icons for pokemon, gym, and pokestop notifications
  • Custom notification tones
  • Personalized notifications via Dynamic Text Substitution

Basic Config

Required Parameters

These alarms.json parameters are required to enable the Boxcar alarm service:

Parameters Description
type must be boxcar
active True for alarm to be active
user_credentials Your access token/user credentials from Boxcar settings

Example: Basic Alarm Configuration using Required Parameters


Note: The above code is to be inserted into the alarms section of alarms.json. It does not represent the entire alarms.json file.

Advanced Config

Optional Parameters

In addition to the 3 required parameters, several optional parameters are available to personalize your Boxcar notifications. Below is an example of these optional parameters and how they are incorporated into a functional alarm layout for Boxcar.

These optional parameters, startup_message, startup_list, and sound, are entered at the same level as "type":"boxcar".

Parameters Description Default
startup_message Notification message upon startup True
startup_list Enable pokemon list message upon startup True
sound The notification tone from Boxcar beep-crisp

Optional Pokemon Parameters

These optional parameters below are applicable to the pokemon, pokestop, and gym sections of the JSON file.

Parameters Description Default
title Title for the message A wild <pkmn> has appeared!
long_message Additional text to be added to the message Available <a href='<gmaps>'>here</a> until <24h_time> (<time_left>).

Optional Pokestop Parameters

Parameters Description Default
title Title for the message Someone has placed a lure on a Pokestop!
long_message Additional text to be added to the message <a href='<gmaps>'>This lure</a> will expire at <24h_time> (<time_left>).

Optional Gym Parameters

Parameters Description Default
title Title for the message A Team <old_team> gym has fallen!
long_message Additional text to be added to the message <a href='<gmaps>'>Gym</a> is now controlled by <new_team>.

Example: Alarm Configuration Using Optional Parameters

		"title":"A wild <pkmn> has appeared!",
		"long_message":"Available <a href='<gmaps>'>here</a> until <24h_time> (<time_left>).",
		"title":"Someone has placed a lure on a Pokestop!",
		"long_message":"<a href='<gmaps>'>This lure</a> will expire at <24h_time> (<time_left>).",
		"title":"A Team <old_team> gym has fallen!",
		"long_message":"<a href='<gmaps>'>Gym</a> is now controlled by <new_team>.",

Note: The above code is to be inserted into the alarms section of alarms.json. It does not represent the entire alarms.json file.

How to Get an API Key

  1. Install Boxcar on your iOS device and create an account.

  2. Go into settings. Tap "Copy to clipboard" below the "Access Token". This is your user_credentials