Drupal Ethereum Module enhances the Drupal ecosystem with Ethereum functionality. The module is the base and includes submodules like the Ethereum User connector.
In the mid term scope the module will be a "framework" for configurable applications consisting of deploy-able Smart Contracts and connected Drupal functionality.
Quick set-up
- To get all required dependencies you need to run
composer install
- Make sure Drupal has a Ethereum Node to read from by configuring Configure Ethereum connection (/admin/config/ethereum/network). Saving the form settings will validate the current settings and let you know if something is wrong.
- There are 3 different network settings provided. Default Ethereum node is set to Infura.io Kovan test-network.
- You may up you own Etehreum node as described below.
More below at "Drupal Ethereum Getting started" and in the user connector Readme.
Ethereum is a blockchain based, decentralized ledger system developed by the Ethereum foundation. In order to connect to the Ethereum network you may use a service or set up you own network node.
If you used composer to install drupal core and the ethereum module everything should work out of the box using Infura's free service to connect to Ethereum network.
Don't know composer? You should.
You may checkout the POC video and transcript describin how to do a paywall with Drupal and Drupal Ethereum including all steps.
Install Drupal
You will need PHP Composer to and drush installed on your system in order to do things fast. There are also manual ways described in Drupal documentation.
**Download latest Drupal **
composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:~8.0 drupal --stability dev --no-interaction
Create a Database
mysql -uroot --execute="CREATE DATABASE \`drupalEthereumTest.local\`;"
Drupal with drush
# Create a configuration export directory. This is not required, but very usefull.
mkdir drupal/config
# Change to web root
cd drupal/web/
# Scripted drupal installation. Revalidate the database. It will be overwritten.
drush site-install standard --db-url="mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/drupalEthereumTest.local" --account-name="tho" --account-pass="password" --site-name="drupalEthereum.local" --account-mail="[email protected]" --site-mail="[email protected]" --config-dir="../config" --notify="global"
Download some existential plugins
RestUI is a user interface for Drupal 8's REST module.
# Composer commands need to be run from the drupal directory
cd ..
composer require drupal/restui drupal/admin_toolbar
Enable the modules
cd web/
drush en admin_toolbar_tools -y
# If enabling REST API drops an error you may do it later in Drupal UI.
drush en restui -y
Add Drupal Ethereum Module
# Composer commands need to be run from the drupal directory
cd ..
composer require drupal/ethereum
cd web/
drush en ethereum -y
Visit /admin/config/ethereum and save setting to validate functionality. Check status page at /admin/reports/ethereum
If you want to use geth (go-ethereum client), here is how to install geth on many OS. Then you start the geth server with rpc. On my mac like this. Keep in mind that the "*" allows connections from any host.
geth --testnet --rpc --rpccorsdomain="*"
Development environment for smart contracts using Testrpc
If you want to check out developing your own smart contract it is recommended to use testrpc, which provides a fast Ethereum node for local testing.
You may modify the currently provided Login Smart Contract by cloning/forking it. The repository contains a very little Truffle App which helps you to get started with test driven smart contract development.
Connecting with Testrpc
# Start testrpc
# Clone sign-up-contract:
git clone https://github.com/digitaldonkey/register_drupal_ethereum
cd register_drupal_ethereum
# Deploy contract to testrpc
# This will provide you the smart contract address, which you might want to add Drupals settings.
truffle migrate
# Start local development environement
truffle serve
##Add Drupal Ethereum Module (Old Sandbox version)
Till there is a dev release we need to manually add the dependencies to conposer.json file.
Edit drupal/conposer.json and add the 3 module and the PHP library repositories.
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://packages.drupal.org/8"
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/digitaldonkey/ethereum.git"
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/digitaldonkey/ethereum-php.git"