A fork of mihkelallorg/lhv-connect.
$ composer require fractorysolutions/lhv-connect
NB! Service provider Mihkullorg\LhvConnect\LaravelLhvConnectServiceProvider::class is automatically registered.
In terminal run
$ php artisan vendor:publish
Open file config/lhv-connect.php and fill out the config. You can fill in info about several bank accounts and certifications.
Now you can create new LhvConnect object. The Config::get parameter lhv-connect.test means that the file lhv-connect.php and the array with the key 'test' is passed on.
$lhv = new LhvConnect(Config::get('lhv-connect.test'));
Test the connection. If there's no connection, Exception with 503 should be thrown.
Retrieve a message from LHV inbox
$message = $lhv->makeRetrieveMessageFromInboxRequest();
Delete the message from LHV inbox
Retrieve all messages. This gets you all the messages but it also deletes all the messages from the inbox.
$messages = $lhv->getAllMessages();