Test project to test gofsutil Bindmount method.
Create a pvc and a pod - make sure the pod is in running state
Extract staging path from node logs or by using mount | grep csi
Captrue the output of mount | grep csi
Download the project and build using go build
A binary should be generated test-gofs
Create a new test target directory like /root/user/csi-target
Now run the binary using arguments -staging-path and -target-path
Example: ./test-gofs -staging-path -target-path /root/user/csi-target
Successful execution will have the below output Performin Bind of staging to target pathINFO[0000] mount command args="-o bind /root/user/csi-target" cmd=mount INFO[0000] mount command args="-o remount /root/user/csi-target" cmd=mount
Captrue the output of mount | grep csi
The latest output of mount should contain /root/user/csi-target