A curated list of notable quantum computing experiments, focused primarily on the implementation of quantum error correction codes.
This repository maintains a comprehensive database of quantum computing experiments, with a focus on:
- Quantum Error Correction (QEC) implementations
- Magic State Distillation (MSD) experiments
- Entangled State Error measurements
- Physical Qubit Count evolution
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git clone https://github.com/francois-marie/awesome-quantum-computing-experiments.git
cd awesome-quantum-computing-experiments
pip install -e ".[test]" # Install package and test dependencies
- Generate all plots and README:
make all
For more detailed information:
- See Documentation for usage and data format details
- See Contributing Guide for how to add new experiments
- Experimental Quantum Error Correction (1998) - [3,1,3], d=1 on NMR
- Demonstration of Sufficient Control for Two Rounds of Quantum Error Correction in a Solid-State Ensemble Quantum Information Processor (2011) - [3,1,3], d=1 on NMR
- Experimental Repetitive Quantum Error Correction (2011) - [3,1,3], d=1 on Ion traps
- Experimental quantum error correction with high fidelity (2011) - [3,1,3], d=1 on NMR
- Realization of Three-Qubit Quantum Error Correction with Superconducting Circuits (2012) - [3,1,3], d=1 on Superconducting circuit
- Quantum error correction in a solid-state hybrid spin register (2014) - [[3,1,3]] on NV centers
- State preservation by repetitive error detection in a superconducting quantum circuit (2014) - [3,1,3]-[5,1,5], d=1 on Superconducting circuit
- Detecting bit-flip errors in a logical qubit using stabilizer measurements (2015) - [3,1,3], d=1 on Superconducting circuit
- Repeated quantum error correction on a continuously encoded qubit by real-time feedback (2016) - [3,1,3], d=1 on Superconducting circuit
- A repetition code of 15 qubits (2018) - [3,1,3]-[8,1,8], d=1 on Superconducting circuit
- Benchmarking near-term devices with quantum error correction (2020) - [3,1,3]-[22,1,22], d=1 on Superconducting circuit
- Exponential suppression of bit or phase flip errors with repetitive error correction (2020) - [3,1,3]-[11,1,11], d=1 on Superconducting circuit
- Suppressing quantum errors by scaling a surface code logical qubit (2023) - [3,1,3]-[25,1,25], d=1 on Superconducting circuit, Repetition codes below threshold
- Hardware-efficient quantum error correction using concatenated bosonic qubits (2024) - [[3,1,3]], [[5,1,5]] on Superconducting circuit, Repetition cat codes below threshold
- Quantum error correction below the surface code threshold (2024) - [3,1,3]-[29,1,29], d=1 on Superconducting circuit, Repetition codes below threshold
- Benchmarking Quantum Computers: The Five-Qubit Error Correcting Code (2001) - [[5,1,3]] on NMR
- Experimental implementation of encoded logical qubit operations in a perfect quantum error correcting code (2012) - [[5,1,3]] on NMR
- Experimental exploration of five-qubit quantum error correcting code with superconducting qubits (2019) - [[5,1,3]] on Superconducting circuit
- Experimental Quantum Computations on a Topologically Encoded Qubit (2014) - [[7,1,3]] on Ion traps
- Experimental demonstration of fault-tolerant state preparation with superconducting qubits (2017) - [[4,2,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Fault-tolerant quantum error detection (2017) - [[4,2,2]] on Ion traps
- A quantum processor based on coherent transport of entangled atom arrays (2021) - [[7,1,3]] on Neutral atoms
- Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom arrays (2023) - [[7,1,3]], [[8,3,2]] on Neutral atoms
- Experimental Demonstration of Logical Magic State Distillation (2024) - [[7, 1, 3]], [[17,1,5]] on Neutral atoms
- Scaling and logic in the color code on a superconducting quantum processor (2024) - [[7, 1, 3]], [[17,1,5]] on Superconducting circuit
- Experimental demonstration of a graph state quantum error-correction code (2014) - [[4,1,2]] on Photons
- Repeated Quantum Error Detection in a Surface Code (2020) - [[4,1,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- A quantum processor based on coherent transport of entangled atom arrays (2021) - [[13,1,3]] surface code, [[16,2,2]] toric code on Neutral atoms
- Realizing repeated quantum error correction in a distance-three surface code (2021) - [[9,1,3]] on Superconducting circuit
- Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom arrays (2023) - [[9,1,3]], [[25,1,5]], [[49,1,7]] on Neutral atoms
- Suppressing quantum errors by scaling a surface code logical qubit (2023) - [[9,1,3]]-[[25,1,5]] on Superconducting circuit, Repetition codes below threshold
- Demonstrating dynamic surface codes (2024) - [[9,1,3]], [[25,1,5]], [[49,1,7]] on Superconducting circuit
- Quantum error correction below the surface code threshold (2024) - [[9,1,3]], [[25,1,5]], [[49,1,7]] on Superconducting circuit, Surface codes below threshold
- Demonstration of a quantum error detection code using a square lattice of four superconducting qubits (2015) - [[2,0,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Entanglement stabilization using ancilla-based parity detection and real-time feedback in superconducting circuits (2019) - [[2,0,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Protecting quantum entanglement from leakage and qubit errors via repetitive parity measurements (2020) - [[2,0,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Experimental demonstration of fault-tolerant state preparation with superconducting qubits (2017) - [[4,1,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Fault-tolerant quantum error detection (2017) - [[4,1,2]] on Ion traps
- Is error detection helpful on IBM 5Q chips ? (2018) - [[4,2,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Protecting quantum memories using coherent parity check codes (2018) - [[4,2,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Testing quantum fault tolerance on small systems (2018) - [[4,2,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Fault-Tolerant Logical Gates in the IBM Quantum Experience (2019) - [[4,2,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Error detection on quantum computers improves accuracy of chemical calculations (2020) - [[4,2,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Exponential suppression of bit or phase flip errors with repetitive error correction (2020) - [[4,1,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Resource Optimal Realization of Fault-Tolerant Quantum Circuit (2020) - [[4,2,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Experimental Characterization of Fault-Tolerant Circuits in Small-Scale Quantum Processors (2021) - [[4,2,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Comparative analysis of error mitigation techniques for variational quantum eigensolver implementations on IBM quantum system (2022) - [[4,2,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- Optical demonstration of quantum fault-tolerant threshold (2022) - [[4,2,2]] on Photons
- Encoding a magic state with beyond break-even fidelity (2024) - [[4,2,2]] on Superconducting circuit
- End-to-End Quantum Simulation of a Chemical System (2024) - [[4,2,2]] on Ion traps
- Fault-Tolerant Operation and Materials Science with Neutral Atom Logical Qubits (2024) - [[4,2,2]] on Neutral atoms
- Logical computation demonstrated with a neutral atom quantum processor (2024) - [[4,1,2]], [[4,2,2]] on Neutral atoms
- Fault-Tolerant Operation of a Quantum Error-Correction Code (2020) - [[9,1,3]] on Ion traps
- Quantum teleportation of physical qubits into logical code-spaces (2020) - [[9,1,3]] on Photons
- Logical computation demonstrated with a neutral atom quantum processor (2024) - [[9,1,3]] on Neutral atoms
- A quantum processor based on coherent transport of entangled atom arrays (2021) - 1D with 12 qubits on Neutral atoms
- Experimental Demonstration of Logical Magic State Distillation (2024) - on Neutral atoms, Injection and distillation
- Scaling and logic in the color code on a superconducting quantum processor (2024) - on Superconducting circuit, Injection and teleportation
- Experimental Demonstration of a Controlled-NOT Quantum Gate (1998) - 0.3 on Ion traps
- Experimental Entanglement of Four Particles (2000) - 0.2 on Ion traps
- Experimental Violation of a Bell's Inequality with Efficient Detection (2001) - 0.1 on Ion traps
- Experimental Demonstration of a Robust, High-Fidelity Geometric Two Ion-Quibit Phase Gate (2003) - 0.03 on Ion traps
- Towards Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions (2008) - 0.007 on Ion traps
- High-Fidelity Quantum Logic Gates Using Trapped Ions (2016) - 0.0008 on Ion traps
- High-Fidelity Universal Gate Set for Be+ Ion Qubits (2016) - 0.0005 on Ion traps
- Measurement-Based Quantum Computation with Superconducting Qubits (2006) - 0.3 on Superconducting circuits
- Demonstration of Two-Qubit Algorithms with a Superconducting Quantum Processor (2009) - 0.05 on Superconducting circuits
- Complete universal quantum gate set approaching fault-tolerant thresholds with superconducting qubits (2012) - 0.02 on Superconducting circuits
- Logic gates at the surface code threshold: Superconducting qubits poised for fault-tolerant quantum computing (2014) - 0.006 on Superconducting circuits
- Procedure for systematically tuning up crosstalk in the cross resonance gate (2016) - 0.004 on Superconducting circuits
- Programming a quantum computer with quantum instructions (2020) - 0.003 on Superconducting circuits
- Demonstration of a neutral atom controlled-NOT quantum gate (2010) - 0.3 on Neutral atoms
- Entanglement of two individual neutral atoms using Rydberg blockade (2010) - 0.5 on Neutral atoms
- Rydberg-blockade controlled-not gate and entanglement in a two-dimensional array of neutral-atom qubits (2015) - 0.2 on Neutral atoms
- Parallel implementation of high-fidelity multi-qubit gates with neutral atoms (2019) - 0.03 on Neutral atoms
- High-Fidelity Entanglement and Detection of Alkaline-Earth Rydberg Atoms (2020) - 0.01 on Neutral atoms
- Erasure conversion in a high-fidelity Rydberg quantum simulator (2023) - 0.002 on Neutral atoms
- Fast universal quantum control above the fault-tolerance threshold in silicon (2021) - 0.005 on Superconducting spins
- High fidelity state preparation, quantum control, and readout of an isotopically enriched silicon spin qubit (2022) - nan on Superconducting spins
- Quantum logic with spin qubits crossing the surface code threshold (2022) - 0.05 on Superconducting spins
- Experimental Demonstration of a Controlled-NOT Quantum Gate (1998) - 2 qubits on Ion traps
- Experimental Entanglement of Four Particles (2000) - 4 qubits on Ion traps
- 14-qubit entanglement: creation and coherence (2011) - 14 qubits on Ion traps
- Observation of Entangled States of a Fully Controlled 20-Qubit System (2017) - 20 qubits on Ion traps
- Controlling two-dimensional Coulomb crystals of more than 100 ions in a monolithic radio-frequency trap (2023) - 100 qubits on Ion traps
- Measurement of the Entanglement of Two Superconducting Qubits via State Tomography (2006) - 2 qubits on Superconducting circuit
- Superconducting quantum circuits at the surface code threshold for fault tolerance (2014) - 5 qubits on Superconducting circuit
- Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor (2019) - 53 qubits on Superconducting circuit
- Evidence for the utility of quantum computing before fault tolerance (2023) - 127 qubits on Superconducting circuit
- Entanglement of two individual neutral atoms using Rydberg blockade (2010) - 2 qubits on Neutral atoms
- An atom-by-atom assembler of defect-free arbitrary 2d atomic arrays (2016) - 50 qubits on Neutral atoms
- Probing many-body dynamics on a 51-atom quantum simulator (2017) - 51 qubits on Neutral atoms
- Defect-free assembly of 2D clusters of more than 100 single-atom quantum systems (2019) - 111 qubits on Neutral atoms
- Quantum Phases of Matter on a 256-Atom Programmable Quantum Simulator (2021) - 256 qubits on Neutral atoms
- In-situ equalization of single-atom loading in large-scale optical tweezers arrays (2022) - 324 qubits on Neutral atoms
- A tweezer array with 6100 highly coherent atomic qubits (2024) - 6100 qubits on Neutral atoms
- A programmable two-qubit quantum processor in silicon (2018) - 2 qubits on Superconducting spins
- Universal control of a six-qubit quantum processor in silicon (2022) - 6 qubits on Superconducting spins
- Coherent control of macroscopic quantum states in a single-Cooper-pair box (1999) - Cooper-pair box, T1: 2e-09s on Superconducting circuit
- Cooper-pair box (2001) - Cooper-pair box, T1: 9e-09s, T2: 5e-09s on Superconducting circuit
- Manipulating the Quantum State of an Electrical Circuit (2002) - Quantronium, T1: 1e-06s, T2: 8e-07s on Superconducting circuit
- Flux qubit (2003) - Flux qubit, T1: 1e-06s, T2: 2e-08s on Superconducting circuit
- Flux qubit (2005) - Flux qubit, T1: 5e-06s, T2: 5e-06s on Superconducting circuit
- Suppressing Charge Noise Decoherence in Superconducting Charge Qubits (2007) - Transmon, T1: 4e-06s, T2: 2e-06s on Superconducting circuit
- Fock (2D) (2008) - Fock (2D), T1: 3e-06s, T2: 6e-06s on Superconducting circuit
- Fluxonium: single Cooper pair circuit free of charge offsets (2009) - Fluxonium, T2: 3.5e-07s on Superconducting circuit
- Flux qubit (2010) - Flux qubit, T1: 1.1e-05s, T2: 2e-05s on Superconducting circuit
- Transmon (3D) (2011) - Transmon (3D), T1: 7e-05s, T2: 3e-05s on Superconducting circuit
- Transmon (3D) (2012) - Transmon (3D), T1: 9e-05s, T2: 0.0001s on Superconducting circuit
- Transmon (2013) - Transmon, T1: 7e-05s, T2: 7e-05s on Superconducting circuit
- Fluxonium (3D) (2014) - Fluxonium (3D), T1: 0.001s, T2: 2e-05s on Superconducting circuit
- Transmon (3D) (2014) - Transmon (3D), T1: 0.0001s, T2: 0.0002s on Superconducting circuit
- C-sh. flux qubit (2015) - C-sh. flux qubit, T1: 7e-05s, T2: 0.0001s on Superconducting circuit
- Fock (3D) (2015) - Fock (3D), T1: 0.004s, T2: 0.001s on Superconducting circuit
- Cat encoding (2016) - Cat encoding, T1: 0.0002s on Superconducting circuit
- Fock (3D) (2018) - Fock (3D), T1: 0.001s, T2: 0.002s on Superconducting circuit
- Fluxonium (3D) (2018) - Fluxonium (3D), T1: 0.0002s, T2: 0.0003s on Superconducting circuit
- Binomial encoding (2019) - Binomial encoding, T1: 0.0001s, T2: 0.0001s on Superconducting circuit
- Gatemon (2015) - Gatemon, T1: 7e-07s on Semiconductor
- Gatemon (2016) - Gatemon, T1: 3e-06s on Semiconductor
- Gatemon (2018) - Gatemon, T1: 1e-05s on Semiconductor
- Gatemon (2018) - Gatemon, T1: 5e-08s on Graphene
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for new entries, please submit a pull request or open an issue.
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