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json-decoder is a Java 8 library for type-safe JSON decoding, almost a direct port of Elm's Json.Decode.


This page shows the concepts behind the Json.Decode elm package, json-decoder attempts to mimic that API.

The Decoders class contains simple decoders and facilities to build complex ones. Once a decoder is built, JSON can be decoded by calling Decoders.decodeString or Decoders.decodeValue. These functions will return an Either<String, T> which will have either an error message on the left, or a successfully decoded value on the right.

Simple values

We'll statically import Decoders.* for brevity. Integer, String, etc. are members of that class.

decodeString("1", Integer); // right(1)
decodeString("1", String); // left("expected String, got JNumber{value=1}")
decodeString("\"string\"", String); // right("string")


list decodes a JSON array and decodes every element with a given decoder. Returns a javaslang List<T>. index decodes an array and picks the element at a given index.

decodeString("[1, 2, 3]", list(Integer)); // right(List.of(1, 2, 3))
decodeString("[1, 2, \"a\"]", index(2, String)); // right("a")


dict decodes a Map<String, T> given a Decoder<T>.

decodeString("{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 3}", dict(Integer)); // right(HashMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3))


Enums can be parsed by attempting to match a string exactly.

decodeString("\"ERA\"", enumByName(ChronoField.class)); // right(ChronoField.ERA)

Transforming values with map

map can be used on a decoder to transform a decoded value. Like changing the container:

Decoder<LinkedList<Integer>> linkedList = list(Integer)
    .map(ints -> ints.toJavaCollection(LinkedList::new));

decodeString("[1, 2, 3]", linkedList); // right(LinkedList(1, 2, 3))

Or computing some other value, like the sum of an array:

Decoder<Integer> sum = list(Integer).map(ints -> ints.fold(0, (z, x) -> z + x));
decodeString("[1, 2, 3]", sum); // right(6)

Object fields

field decodes an object and accesses a field within it, fails if the field is missing. at traverses an object tree.

decodeString("{\"a\": \"b\"}", field("a", String)); // right("b")
decodeString("{\"a\": \"b\"}", field("b", String)); // left("field 'b': missing")
decodeString("{\"a\": {\"b\": \"c\"} }", at(List.of("a", "b"), String)); // right("c")

Decoders for complex structures can be built by composing other decoders with map<N>, where N is the number of decoders:

// with the following class:
public class Person {
    final String name;
    final int age;
	// constructor

Decoder<Person> personDecoder = Decoder.map2(
    field("name", String),
    field("age", Integer),

decodeString("{\"name\":\"jack\",\"age\":18}", personDecoder); // right(Person("jack", 18))
decodeString("{\"name\":\"jack\"}", personDecoder); // left("field 'age': missing")

Optional values

option will try to use a given encoder and return the result inside an Option, if the decoder fails it just returns Option.none(). Therefore, it will never fail. optionalField only succeeds if the field is missing or the field exists and the inner decoder succeeds as well.

decodeString("1", option(Integer)); // right(Option.of(1))
decodeString("1", option(String)); // right(Option.none()) -- notice that decoding did not fail

In the following case, both optionalField and option return none:

decodeString("{\"b\": 1}", optionalField("a", String)); // right(Option.none())
decodeString("{\"b\": 1}", option(field("a", String))); // right(Option.none())

However, in this case option will silently ignore the unexpected number, while optionalField will fail

decodeString("{\"a\": 1}", optionalField("a", String)); // left("field 'a': expected String, got JNumber{value=1}")
decodeString("{\"a\": 1}", option(field("a", String))); // right(Option.none())

Loosely typed values

oneOf attempts multiple decoders, nullValue returns a given value if null is found.

    "[1, \"hello\", null]",
    list(oneOf( -> i.toString()), // we use `map` to turn `Integer` into a String decoder
// right(List.of("1", "hello", "<missing>"))

nullable allows null values, returns an Option<T>.

decodeString("[1, 2, null]", list(nullable(Integer))); // right(List.of(some(1), some(2), none()))

Composing decoders with andThen

andThen can be used to apply a decoder after another (to the same JSON value), here are some examples:

Deciding on a parser based on a result:

Decoder<String> versionedDecoder = field("ver", Integer)
    .andThen(version ->
        version == 0 ? field("name", String) :
        version == 1 ? field("fullName", String) :
        fail("unknown version " + version));

decodeString("{\"ver\":0,\"name\":\"john\"}", versionedDecoder); // right("john")
decodeString("{\"ver\":2,\"name\":\"john\"}", versionedDecoder); // left("unknown version 2");

First we decode the object and test if it has a ver, then we pick a decoder based on ver and apply it to the same object.

Extending a decoder to validate decoded values:

Decoder<String> nonEmptyString = String
    .andThen(str -> str.isEmpty()
        ? fail("empty string")
        : succeed(str));

decodeString("\"ok\"", nonEmptyString); // right("ok")
decodeString("\"\"", nonEmptyString); // left("empty string")

We first attempt to decode a string, and then return a failing decoder with a message if it's empty, or a successful decoder otherwise.

Here is an example of using andThen to build a Decoder<T> when T is abstract.

Recursive structures

recursive can be used to build a decoder that references itself. This is necessary because Java lambdas can't reference this.

// given this Tree:
public class Tree<T> {
    final T v;
    final List<Tree<T>> children;
	// constructor

Decoder<Tree<Integer>> intTreeDecoder =
    recursive(self ->
            field("v", Integer),
            optionalField("children", list(self)).map(optList -> optList.getOrElse(List.empty())),

String json = "{ \"v\": 1" +
              ", \"children\": [ { \"v\": 2 }" +
                              ", { \"v\": 3, \"children\": [ { \"v\": 4 } ] }" +
                              "]" +

decodeString(json, intTreeDecoder); // right(tree(1, tree(2), tree(3, tree(4))))

More examples can be found in the tests.

Get it

From jcenter:

repositories {

compile 'com.fredhonorio:json-decoder:1.2.1'


json-decoder uses immutable-json-ast for the JSON AST, jackson for parsing JSON and javaslang for utility.


This project is licensed under the Apache License v2.0.


Type-safe JSON decoder








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