Draggable plugin.
Enable video move.
Improve initialization time.
Improve minified file size by using $.FE instead of $ .FroalaEditor.
Share toolbar, popups and other common elements between instances with the same options.
Automatically turn off all events on destroy.
Add shared events.
Change saveInterval option to 10000.
Reset content on form reset event.
toolbarVisibleWithoutSelection is false by default.
Add toolbarContainer option.
Add htmlDoNotWrapTags option.
Add imageSplitHTML option.
Add videoSplitHTML option.
Add quickInsertTags option.
Remove quickInsertOffset option.
Add videoMove option.
Quick insert positioning.
Improve handling new lines and spaces.
Default text alignment.
Default text color when using inline editing.
Set wrapper overflow only when height is set.
Improve form editing.
Improve converting external CSS rules to inline style.
Add tooltips for quick insert plugin and table insert helper.
Improve checking for empty nodes.
Improve font family detection.
Resizing table inside iframe was not smooth.
Force contentChanged on blur.
Use classes to display line breaker instead of style.
Table insert helper flicker because of tooltip.
Improve inline toolbar positioning.
Improve pasting from TextMate.
Dropdowns never go under other instances when zIndex option is not used.
Hide active dropdowns when showing a popup.
Bug fixing
Any HTML could be dropped in Webkit browsers.
Fixes image default width when set to 0.
Fixes right click was adding empty lines in IE.
Fixes code beautifier exceptions.
Style tag was wrapped inside a paragraph.
Quick insert was overlapping popups.
Misplaced BR tag after image in some cases.
Resize image was not working when using init on click and image was clicked first.
Tooltip position when using the iframe option.
Fullscreen was not working when using the iframe option.
Fixes Japanese typing on iOS.
Unwanted BR tags were added after comments.
Quote shortcuts were not working.
Editing was not possible when using contenteditable="true" inside contenteditable="false".
Code view size was incorrect on Windows.
Using SHIFT key to select table cells when using the iframe option.
Blur was not triggered when loosing focus from the image ALT popup.
Catch possible errors when disabling object resizing.
Unwanted BR between STYLE tag and TABLE tag.
Initializing editor on image would throw an error when doing replace.
Copying from one instance to another was loosing style.
You can’t perform that action at this time.