cpuminer-opt is a fork of cpuminer-multi by TPruvot with optimizations imported from other miners developped by lucas Jones, djm34, Wolf0, pooler, Jeff garzik, ig0tik3d, elmad, palmd, and Optiminer, with additional optimizations by Jay D Dee.
All of the code is believed to be open and free. If anyone has a claim to any of it post your case in the cpuminer-opt Bitcoin Talk forum or by email.
mailto://[email protected]
See file RELEASE_NOTES for change log and compile instructions.
axiom Shabal-256 MemoHash
blake Blake-256 (SFR)
blakecoin blake256r8
blake2s Blake-2 S
bmw BMW 256
c11 Chaincoin
cryptolight Cryptonight-light
cryptonight cryptonote, Monero (XMR)
deep Deepcoin (DCN)
dmd-gr Diamond-Groestl
drop Dropcoin
fresh Fresh
groestl Groestl coin
heavy Heavy
hmq1725 Espers
hodl Hodlcoin
jha Jackpotcoin
keccak Maxcoin
keccakc Creative coin
lbry LBC, LBRY Credits
luffa Luffa
lyra2h Hppcoin
lyra2re lyra2
lyra2rev2 lyra2v2, Vertcoin
lyra2z Zcoin (XZC)
lyra2z330 Lyra2 330 rows, Zoin (ZOI)
m7m Magi (XMG)
myr-gr Myriad-Groestl
neoscrypt NeoScrypt(128, 2, 1)
nist5 Nist5
pentablake Pentablake
phi1612 phi, LUX coin
pluck Pluck:128 (Supcoin)
polytimos Ninja
quark Quark
qubit Qubit
scrypt scrypt(1024, 1, 1) (default)
scrypt:N scrypt(N, 1, 1)
sha256d Double SHA-256
sha256t Triple SHA-256, Onecoin (OC)
shavite3 Shavite3
skein Skein+Sha (Skeincoin)
skein2 Double Skein (Woodcoin)
skunk Signatum (SIGT)
timetravel Machinecoin (MAC)
timetravel10 Bitcore
tribus Denarius (DNR)
vanilla blake256r8vnl (VCash)
x11 Dash
x11evo Revolvercoin
x11gost sib (SibCoin)
x13 X13
x13sm3 hsr (Hshare)
x14 X14
x15 X15
xevan Bitsend
yescrypt Globalboost-Y (BSTY)
yescryptr16 Yenten (YTN)
zr5 Ziftr
- A x86_64 architecture CPU with a minimum of SSE2 support. This includes Intel Core2 and newer and AMD equivalents. In order to take advantage of AES_NI optimizations a CPU with AES_NI is required. This includes Intel Westbridge and newer and AMD equivalents. Further optimizations are available on some algoritms for CPUs with AVX and AVX2, Sandybridge and Haswell respectively.
Older CPUs are supported by cpuminer-multi by TPruvot but at reduced performance.
ARM CPUs are not supported.
- 64 bit Linux OS. Ubuntu and Fedora based distributions, including Mint and Centos are known to work and have all dependencies in their repositories. Others may work but may require more effort. 64 bit Windows OS is supported with mingw_w64 and msys or pre-built binaries.
MacOS, OSx is not supported.
- Stratum pool. Some algos may work wallet mining using getwork.
AMD CPUs older than Piledriver, including Athlon x2 and Phenom II x4, are not supported by cpuminer-opt due to an incompatible implementation of SSE2 on these CPUs. Some algos may crash the miner with an invalid instruction. Users are recommended to use an unoptimized miner such as cpuminer-multi.
cpuminer-opt does not work mining Decred algo at Nicehash and produces only "invalid extranonce2 size" rejects.
Benchmark testing does not work for x11evo.
Users are encouraged to post their bug reports on the Bitcoin Talk forum at:
All problem reports must be accompanied by a proper definition. This should include how the problem occurred, the command line and output from the miner showing the startup and any errors.
I do not do this for money but I have a donation address if users are so inclined.
Happy mining!