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Experimental system for creating and verifying algebraic structures.


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Algebraic Structures

This library provides tools for working with finite algebraic structures. It is not built for any practical reasons and serves mostly for my (g-r-a-n-t's) personal education.


This project has three main modules:

  • Properties
  • Structures
  • Theorems

The properties module consists of basic properties that can be attributed to operations over finite domains. For example, associativity, commutativity, and invertiblity.

The structures module provides structures that contain certain properties. For example: group, field, and ring.

The theorem module provides theorems that make claims about structures and their properties. For example: Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic.

Properties and structures are all verifiable, meaning you can prove them using brute force.


Build and test

stack build
stack test

The structure, property, and theorem types provided here are instances of a typeclass called Ver. The Ver typeclass contains a function ver (a -> Bool) which verifies the integrity of its underlying value.

Take for example the associative property, if we have some function and a finite domain, we can verify that the associative property holds over all elements.

ver (Associativity (+) d) = and [(a + b) + c == a + (b + c) | a <- d, b <- d, c <- d]

We can take this property along with others and construct structures that are also verifiable.

ver (Group (+) d) = all ver [Closure (+) d, Associativity (+) d, Identity (+) d, Invertibility (+) d]

In practice, this can be used to verify something like the group integers modulo 7 over addition.

n7 = [0..6] :: [Mod Integer 7]
ver $ Group (+) n7
-- True

Furthermore, we can test theorems in some cases, but not absolutely prove them.

-- Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic.
ver (Theorem_4_10 g) = all (\(Group (+) d) -> ver $ Cyclical (+) d) (subgroups g)

Theorem names refer to the following text

Supported Types

data Mapping a b =
  Injective  (a -> b) [a] [b] |
  Surjective (a -> b) [a] [b] |
  Bijective  (a -> b) [a] [b]

data Property a =
  Closure           (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Associativity     (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Commutativity     (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Identity          (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Invertibility     (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Idempotency       (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Cyclical          (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Distributivity    (a -> a -> a) (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  AbsorbingZero     (a -> a -> a) (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  JacobiIdentity    (a -> a -> a) (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  MultInvertibility (a -> a -> a) (a -> a -> a) [a]

data GroupLike a =
  Magma        (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Semigroup    (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Monoid       (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Group        (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  AbelianGroup (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Semilattice  (a -> a -> a) [a]

data RingLike a =
  Semiring (a -> a -> a) (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Nearring (a -> a -> a) (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Ring     (a -> a -> a) (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  LieRing  (a -> a -> a) (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  BoolRing (a -> a -> a) (a -> a -> a) [a] |
  Field    (a -> a -> a) (a -> a -> a) [a]

data Morphism a b =
    Homomorphism (a -> a -> a) (b -> b -> b) [a] [b] (a -> b) |
    Isomorphism  (a -> a -> a) (b -> b -> b) [a] [b] (a -> b)

data Theorem a =
  Theorem_4_10 (GroupLike a)


Experimental system for creating and verifying algebraic structures.







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