Project for Internet Software Architectures & Software Development Methodologies courses.
- Vladimir Gajčin SW49-2014
- Flight ticket reservation and airline company page management.
- Java + Spring Boot
- REST services
- MySQL database
- Angular 7
- account management (register, login, update and validate account)
- airline company management (flights, airplanes, tickets, discounted tickets, price lists, business reports)
- ticket reservation (reserve, reserve discounted, reserve for a friend, confirm and cancel reservation)
- friendship requests (send, accept, reject, remove friend)
- browsing (view and search flights, friends, non-friends)
- Token-based security configuration (JWT)
- Clone/Download GitHub project from:
- App delta: Eclipse - import project:
- right click
- import...
- Existing Project Build project:
- right click -> Run as -> Maven clean
- right click -> Run as -> Maven build (in goals type package) Pokretanje projekta:
- right click -> Run as -> Spring Boot App
In are application settings: - spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/delta?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false&createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=UTC
- spring.datasource.username=root
- spring.datasource.password=root
In order for the application to run, you need to download MySQL (v8) from:
- App delta-front:
- run Command Prompt as Administrator
- change directory to project directory
- ng serve
- after compiling, open Chrome and type: http://localhost:4200/signin
- Both apps (delta & delta-front) need to be running at the same time, and the database should be connected as well
- There is only one auto-generated system administrator in the app (username: [email protected], password: Tier1SOF)
- For detailed REST API (and endpoints), take a look at: