This is Circle CI test results data processor for GAIA analytics. It is based on "gaiaadm/result-processing" Docker image. It adds Python 3.4 and this data processor. It processes data format from{username}/{project}/{buildNumber}/tests
- docker build -t gaiaadm/circleci-tests-processor .
- docker run -d -e AMQ_USER="admin" -e AMQ_PASSWORD="mypass" -v "/tmp:/upload" --link rabbitmq:amqserver --link mgs:metricsgw --name circleci-tests-processor gaiaadm/circleci-tests-processor
Note that for development it is recommended to mount a local directory containing result processor directory to /src/processors or mount the processor directory into /src/processors/{processorName}
Executing tests:
- nosetests --with-xunit or
- python -m unittest discover -s tests -v