ef1b2a1 A lot of stuff finished
4c96f8f Added args parameter to proto file. Args are accessible via the sdk. Added first part of bolt implementation as storage layer
aa7ee05 Added authentication barrier for the backend API. Added global error handling for the frontend. Added interval stops in case of backend request errors
9268e84 Added circleci configuration
18e7802 Added create pipeline implementation. Still working on ui.
c049998 Added dep as dependency management tool. Fixed uuid upstream breaking change
8574ec7 Added extra message for user if no pipelines are available
c2771bd Added first implementation of ExecuteBuild for golang. Still missing the get dependency part
d5c2e23 Added first implementation of pipeline runs subview. Added start/finish date to pipeline run. Removed levelbar. Implemented refresh button
3ec1d53 Added first layout for frontend. LGTM :-)
996c281 Added first proto file layout. Added first implementation of golang sdk layout. Implemented plugin system
75efe1b Added first version of backend layout. Implemented login feature which is not complete yet. Some more modifications to the ui to make it more clean
d80cbbd Added go back button at job log view
edfe757 Added goreleaser config file. Added dockerfile for docker build. Did some small fine tuning
f291774 Added login view. Moved login to login view instead of navbar. History of created pipelines is still wip
424cca8 Added missing check. Removed accidentally added eslint file
aa5131b Added missing package for production build
06be1fb Added some default claims to the jwt token. Added Sign in component. Fixed small layout issues on small display
7ad6f9e Added status message output. Needs to be tested
37ec131 Added ticker as a periodic job to check pipelines folder for new pipelines
2d2aa37 Added version test to integration test
3c17fc6 Bug fixing for pipeline run. Looks already ok :-)
da1fe8d Changed pipeline id to autoincrement by store. Implemented first version of scheduler
c02cba5 Changed sidebar, removed second level. Improved previous runs from pipelines view
ff4c926 Disabled echo logging. WIP job detail view
c1059c5 Finalized sign in modal view. Implemented signed in view in the header
e15eb85 Finished first logging part. Display of logs in UI still missing
28cb3bd First layout for jobs logs frontend view has been implemented. Connection to backend is missing
e8709d2 Fixed again wrong indentation in circle ci file
b9ca973 Fixed expired jwt token on client side issue. Implemented create pipeline menubar and button. Menubar is now probably borked...
b20442b Fixed issue where single job logs were not able to view
3313495 Fixed permission issue on new created plugins
b660daf Fixed type conversion interface error
0f4b97b Fixed wrong indentation in circleci file
02d703a Fixed wrong integration_test circle ci step
89c94d7 Having trouble to do proper styling of the table
b6fc325 Implemented UI for pipeline search. TODO implement backend
50ff077 Implemented add user. Tested add user, delete user and change password. Added intervanl cancelation when view has been changed.
b2930f2 Implemented delete user functionaility. TODO testing
ac480e2 Implemented first version of pipeline detail view
d566d6d Implemented getjobs and added it to ticker. Some more small stuff on ui
a6daf05 Implemented job log handler
7fc8290 Implemented md5 checksum check if set pipeline jobs functionality did not work
735a682 Implemented most of the scheduling part. Real job execution is still missing
b8a6922 Implemented output of all logs in the backend
5fa1862 Implemented overview status color. Fixed small bugs related to existing pipelines with no available runs
a68bb69 Implemented password change functionality
daea520 Implemented pipeline search backend.
ac50f24 Implemented scheduled execution. Debugging now
5743ba1 Implemented settings page. Added user overview and partially change password function. Still some stuff todo.
2e2e24f Implemented status text for create pipeline history view
40e2156 Implemented ticker which periodically checks the pipeline folder for new pipelines. New pipelines are added to a global slice
a1b0eb4 Improved store. Added data folder. Jwt signing key is now randomly created at runtime. Decided to use hclogger as default logger
45df36e Improved the index view a bit
c21235b Initial commit
2d0019f Integrated release step for circleci.
31a5bbd Job view partially working now
1f1c35c Made the create pipeline view more beatiful
73d8406 Made the credentials modal nice looking now
aeb620a Migrated away from iris to echo
d3610e6 More progress
d915bf2 More work done :-)
ed1682f More work on some tests. Need to find a way to test pipeline execution
c5f6ac0 Moved gaia repository to organization gaia-pipeline
bb3893c Moved sdk out of this repository into its own
77d69a9 Prepared gaia for first release and added new steps to make file
7b17909 Proto for Jobs changed. ID is now hash.
61f045e Refactored plugin types to golang const convention
c872510 Removed release step from circleci
bad274c Removed static assets from compile backend
594998c Removed test mode
edce871 Replaced bolt with store to make the name more convenient. Implemented first tests for store. Added authentication to login handler
6480c3a Replaced tippy with vue-tippy. Fixed create pipeline golang process. Small improvements for the create pipeline ui
48f9525 Repository checkout works now fully with the correct path. UI is automatically updated with progress.
b9095f3 Small improvements for the overview view
0811994 Small improvements on ui design
c043a22 Small improvements to the UI
1ed0c54 Small work here and there
27cde8d Small work on ui. WIP pipeline start implementation
95b3324 Some adjustments for the UI. Fixed small bugs
5e9fc46 Still working on create pipeline part
0083801 Tested correlated job log view. Seems to work but the log chopping is still worse
e2b3798 Updated dependencies related to protobuf files
61fe923 Upgrade of node to 10.5
76a072a WIP create pipeline...still
e2715d5 WIP job log view
703718f WIP job log view
def0e9f WIP job scheduling process
88058a3 WIP log streaming to file
e3da0a1 WIP moving pipeline logs to disk. Some small modifications in frontend
70ca7eb WIP pipeline run detail view
1ec0992 WIP: Create pipeline
0e83021 Was in tunnel and forgot to commit in between. God forgive me
b0c0634 Worked on first version of detailed view. Worked on first version of overview
b291b48 implementing git part for create pipeline
891fd3e overview view pipeline text is now unknown when pipeline has no last runs. Moved create pipeline output text to its own modal. Pipelines which are in build phase are now in the correct state.
Docker images
docker pull gaiapipeline/gaia:v0.1.1-go
docker pull gaiapipeline/gaia:latest