badapple renderer for bwplace (
For configuring the script to your needs, change the variables at the top of the script variable | type | description | default
- targetWidth | number | Image width on the canvas | 100
- targetHeight | number | Image height on the canvas | 90
- startAtX | number | X offset on the canvas | 0
- startAtY | number | Y offset on the canvas | 0
- fillMethod | number | Where to fill badapple from, 1 - horizontally, 2 - vertically | 2
- skipFrames | number | The frame to start/continue from if you're restarting the script | 0
- skipUnchangedPixels | boolean | Whether to skip rendering unchanged pixels in frames | true
- apiUrl | string | The bwplace updatePixel endpoint |
- socketUrl | string | url to listen to pixel updates and fix them (optional) |
- proxyUrl | string | The url of the http tor proxy loadbalancer to use when making the requests (optional) |
- maxRetries | number | How many attempts to make while retrying to draw pixels | 5
- statsInterval | number | The interval (in ms) at which the stats message in the console updates, set to 0 to disable | 180000
- frameDir | string | The path to the directory that contains all the badapple frames | ./frames/
- delay | number | The delay in between making pixel update requests (in ms) | 10
- reloadFramesAt | number | When reloadFramesAt or less frames are cached, the script should load more frames | 100
- framesToLoad | number | The number of frames to load at once, recommended not to set it above 2000 frames as it affects ram usage | 1000
- delayBetweenFrames | number | The delay between the previous frame being finished and the new one being started (in ms) | 1000
- retryTimeout | number | The delay between retrying failed pixel update requests (in ms) | 50
- debug | boolean | Whether to log debug info | false