- tesseract-ocr with chi-sim language
- python 3.6
- pytesseract
- webbrowser
- pytesseract package
In my local environment, I installed the tesseract-ocr using Homebrew
brew link libtiff
brew link libpng
brew link jpeg
brew install tesseract --with-all-languages
I then created a conda environment and installed the python packages
conda create -n autoquiz python=3.6 anaconda
source activate autoquiz
pip install pytesseract
My own environment: iphone7 & MacBook Pro 15-inch
Start Airserver or equivalent solutions for screen mirroring. Move the mirror screen of iphone to the upper left corner of Mac screen.
Activate conda environment:
source activate autoquiz
- Run the script
python ans_v1.py
python ans_v2.py
Peng Gao, [email protected]
For voice search solutions, it is worth to try Baidu searchcraft.