The GitHub Profile Viewer App is a web application built using React and Redux Toolkit, designed to provide users with a seamless way to search for GitHub usernames and retrieve comprehensive user information using the GitHub API. Users can easily explore user profiles, including their details, followers, and following lists.
- Languages: HTML, CSS, TypeScript
- Libraries/Frameworks:
- React JS
- Redux Toolkit
- Redux Persist
- Redux Saga
- React Icons
- React Router
- React Paginate
- moment
- axios
- styled-components
- Version Control: Git
- Package Managers: NPM
The GitHub Profile Viewer App follows the following flow:
User Search: The app features a user-friendly search bar at the top, allowing users to effortlessly search for any GitHub username. The application fetches real-time user information from the GitHub API.
User Profile: Upon searching for a username, the app showcases an extensive user profile. This profile encompasses the user's avatar, username, bio, number of followers, number of repositories, and other pertinent information.
Followers and Following Lists: The app provides comprehensive lists of followers and users being followed by the searched profile. Each entry in these lists includes the username, profile link, and profile picture, enabling users to explore connections and interactions.
Real-Time Data with GitHub API: User information, repositories, followers, and following lists are fetched in real-time from the GitHub API [], ensuring that users always access the latest and most accurate data.
Responsive Design: The application is meticulously designed to ensure responsiveness, delivering a consistent and intuitive experience across diverse screen sizes and devices.
Error Page with Redirect: In the event of an error, the app gracefully redirects users to a dedicated error page. Additionally, a "Go Home" button ensures a seamless return to the main page. The app employs smart caching strategies to persist user data on refresh, enhancing user convenience.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm start