Safely helps women to navigate routes in a safe manner by providing three main features:
- Safe routes
- Safety Timer alert
- SOS alerts to near ones
Allows users to mark a place as Unsafe, and displays safer routes, with timer alerts for emergency
We use
Reviews of people marking a place as unsafe andGeoJSON Data
of Cities which inform about the shops, restaurants etc that are open along the route between source to destination -
Based on this parameters, we render two or three safest routes possible among multiple routes such that the unsafe zones are avoided and active zones are included
SafeRoute: routes alterative paths from A to B,avoiding Unsafe Places, and traversing near shops, restaurants etc that are opened at that time.
Contribution- Users can report or mark an area as unsafe describing their negative experience related to a place.
Safety Timer. A timer, when reaches a threshold, sends SOS alerts to authorities and near ones. User can use this timer in uncertainty.
- Django Framework
- MongoDB Cloud Storage
Setup project environment with virtualenv and pip.
$ virtualenv venv
$ venv/scripts/activate
$ pip install -r
$ cd projectname/
$ python migrate
$ python runserver
Create Mongo Collections for:
- CrowdSourcing Data
- GeoJSON Data of Cities
- User Information
- Include Live Traffic Data as a parameter for safety metric
- The data can be passed to civil authorities that can make use of it and improvise the safety conditions of the marked places
We're are open to enhancements
& bug-fixes
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details