- checkout
- go to the project root filder (the same location where the BragiMovies.xcodeproj file is)
- execute
bundle install
- execute
bundle exec pod install
- execute
open BragiMovies.xcworkspace
- in XCode press the Run button or use the
- RxSwift/RxCocoa - for reactive behaviour
- Kingsfisher - for image loading
Partial MVVM+C + UseCase + Repository due to the lack of screens. Partial because the Coordinator layer has no parent/children handling because of the lack of time and screen hierarchy.
The Business facing layers are the UseCase (TMDBUseCase
) and Repository (TMDBRepository
) layers.
A simple URLSession implementation (Copy pasted from a combine based previous one and changed for Rx)
- Genre list glitching out on scrolling back from the end after a selection of a genre from the end.
- Unit tests needed at the least
- Use case layer shallow while VM layer and UI overcrowded