Install WinFsp (both Core and Developer components), then...
npm install fuse-shared-library-win32
const winFspFuse = require('fuse-shared-library-win32')
console.log(winFspFuse.lib) // path to the .lib file to link with
console.log(winFspFuse.include) // path to the include folder
console.log(winFspFuse.bin) // path to the .dll file
// pthreads (used by fuse-native)
console.log(winFspFuse.pthreads.lib) // path to the .lib file to link with
console.log(winFspFuse.pthreads.include) // path to the include folder
console.log(winFspFuse.pthreads.bin) // path to the .dll file
You should move the shared library next to your program after linking it as that is where your binary will try and load it from.
Using a GYP file this can be done like this:
"targets": [{
"target_name": "fuse_example",
"include_dirs": [
# include it like this
"<!@(node -e \"require('fuse-shared-library-win32/include')\")"
"libraries": [
# link it like this
"<!@(node -e \"require('fuse-shared-library-win32/lib')\")"
"sources": [
}, {
# setup a postinstall target that copies the shared library
# next to the produces node library
"target_name": "postinstall",
"type": "none",
"dependencies": ["fuse_example"],
"copies": [{
"destination": "build/Release",
# expanding a variable to a list here does not seem to work somehow (node-gyp 5.1.0)
"files": [
"<!(node -e \"console.log(require('fuse-shared-library-win32').bin)\")",
"<!(node -e \"console.log(require('fuse-shared-library-win32').pthreads.bin)\")"