This is a collection of stimuli that is used at the Integrated Attention Lab (Geng Lab). These sets are publicly available. Please cite the corresponding publications.
This repository contains 500+ drawings of 15 scenes done under two different scene-viewing tasks. Under the search task, participants were asked to find a small target object within the image while memorizing the scene. Under the memorize task, participants were asked just to memorize the scene. Scene images are from Boettcher et al. (2018).
Hall, E.H., & Geng, J.J. (under review, Memory & Cognition). Object-based attention during scene perception elicits boundary contraction in memory. Boettcher, S. E., Draschkow, D., Dienhart, E., & Võ, M. L. H. (2018). Anchoring visual search in scenes: Assessing the role of anchor objects on eye movements during visual search. Journal of vision, 18(13), 11-11.