List of Spanish & Global Tech companies with public salary in their job offers.
*If you find any broken links, you can reach us or propose a change.
The recruiting sector remains opaque.
We believe that salary transparency is an obligation for companies. So that you have more information when reading a job offer, so that you do not waste time if a process does not interest you and so that the selection processes are more transparent.
We have created this list of companies to compile those companies that we consider to be a reference and that are committed to salary transparency from the beginning.
It's just a small step but every big change is made with baby steps. We hope this helps to change the opacity. You can take a look at our manifesto and learn more about us on our website.
Please feel free to go ahead and fork the repository and create your own version. Later, if you have introduced changes that could improve the docs for general use, create a pull request from your fork.
If you just want to propose a company with public salaries, you can fill this Typeform and we will review your proposal.
Our teammates will then review changes and, if it makes sense, we will merge your changes into the master repository and we will credit you. Thanks in advance for your collaboration!
Special thanks go to those who contributed to publish this repository:
Rebeca Mendez, for his patience and for creating this repo
Borja Pérez, for collect all this companies and launch this repo to the community
Raúl Cotrina, for reviewing and helping to add more companies