Mantis is a server application that simulates within seconds multicentury groundwater contaminant transport from diffuse pollution sources.
A detailed discussion about the concepts of Mantis and our Non Point Source Assessment Toolbox (NPSAT) can be found at our paper
More information can be found at our website or our AGU posters:
- Kourakos, G. , T. Harter (2021) Methods and challenges of merging heterogenous data for development of large scale nitrate simulation models. Abstract H45Y-02 presented at 2021 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans LA and Online Everywhere , 13-17 Dec
- Cao, Z., Kourakos. G. , B.C. Jurgens, K.E. Faulkner, C.V. Henri, T. Harter (2021) Age Validation for Nonpoint Source Assessment Tool in Central Valley, California. Abstract H15A-1037 presented at 2021 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans LA and Online Everywhere, 13-17 Dec
- Kourakos, G., and T., Harter (2014), Simulation of nonpoint source contamination based on adaptive mesh refinement. American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting 2014, San Francisco, California, USA.
- Kourakos, G., and T., Harter (2013), A Validation Framework for Non-Point Source Simulation Models: Application to the Southern California Central Valley with Spatio-Temporally Heterogenous Source Rates. American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, California, USA..
To use Mantis one need to prepare a large number of data. The wiki is the best source to obtain information about that.
Once the initialization data are properly setup one can launch the server with the following command
MantisServer.exe -c config_file
where config_file
is the configuration initialization file of the server. Details about the file can be found here.
Other flags that the server understands are:
MantisServer.exe -h
to obtain a list of options
MantisServer.exe -v
to get the current version number.
The Server does nothing until it receives an input message.
The input message triggers the simulation and the server replies with an output message.
The easiest way to run the simulations is via the web interface. However it may be usefull if one for example wants to run in batch mode multiple simulations to use a local server. To make it easier to communicate with a local server we provide a client program that can send/receive message to/from server.
A windows executable is available under BIN. To run this download the *.exe and all dlls in the same folder and make sure antivirus is not blocking it.
For linux and windows one can build it by using the cmake for configuring with the following options (assuming vcpkg is properly setup):
cmake \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path\to\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake \
The flag USEHF
enables or disables the HDF5 loading functionality.
The MantisClient utility program can be found under BIN. It is used to send messages to the server and receive the replies. If the messages are valid it prints them into a file so that can be read by other programs for further analysis.
The TestClient program requires only boost library. Under the directory CPP/TestClient/TestClient
there is the CMakeLIsts.txt file.
First, if you use spack load the correct environment. (TEST is the name of the environment where I built all the libraries for Mantis. It would make more sence to name this environment MANTIS for example)
spack env activate TEST
Make sure you are under the CPP/TestClient/TestClient
directory. Then do
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If there is a system default installation of boost but cmake picks the default instead of the one that comes under the spack environment then do the following
-DBOOST_ROOT:PATHNAME=/path/to/spack/var/spack/environments/myenv/.spack-env/view/ ..
The workflow is the same with vcpkg the difference is the cmake configuration
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake ..
If everything is succesfull then run
to build the program
Running the client without inputs will send a default scenario to the server and receive the output. The outputs are also printed in the file testClientResults.dat
Using incoming message
./MantisClient incomingMsg_v1.dat outputfile.dat
where the
is a file with the incoming message. The file can be split into multiple lines for readability and the MantisClient will read and reshape the message and send it to the server as one line. -
Stop server Simply send
./MantisClient quit