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This repository contains the scripts and documentation to easily deploy CERNBox client-testing configurations with smashbox framework. Analysis and visualization of test results can be monitor with kibana using the kibana-plugin in smashbox/python/monitoring/

We deploy smashbox with the following purposes:

  • Regression-testing
  • Behaviour comparison of the sync client with different configurations: platforms, cernbox client versions and endpoints
  • Test the sync client installation on different platforms (e.g., Windows, CentOS, MacOSX)

Currently, it is possible to deploy smashbox in your current machine, a cluster of VMs in OpenStack or within a set of containers using Docker. Finally, this document also describes how to visualize and analyse the test results with kibana (instructions)

project tree

This repository is organised in the following way:

   ├── documentation/       : procedures to manually set up a machine for continuos testing and monitoring
   ├── docker/              : scripts, docker files and configuration used to automatically deploy and continuosly run smashbox tests in a set of containers
   │   └── Dockerfiles/     : dockerfiles used to build different images for each platform
   │   └── setup.d          : these are the main scripts used to deploy the specified architecture
   ├── kibana/              : this folder contains json files that stores kibana dashboards configurations
   ├──             : this is the script used to set up automatically the machine
   └── README               : this file


Deploy and set up a testing cluster of VMs (Openstack)

If you want to set up a machine for continuos testing and monitoring with smashbox, you can execute the script This script is developed to automatically and dinamically install the OwnCloud client, configure smashbox and install the cron job. The steps to use this script are the followings:

(1) Manually create a set of VMs in OpenStack. These VMs should follow the naming convention:

smash-"platform"-"oc_client_version". For example: smash-win10-233

(2) Indicate the configuration of each of these machines in ./deployment_architecture.csv

The ./deployment_architecture.csv file should be stored in the root path of this repository and it contains the following parameters:

hostname platform oc_client oc_server runtime ssl_enabled kibana_activity
osx-buildnode MacOSX 2.3.3 True smashbox-deploy

Once the machine has been set up, the machine will be configured to read periodically from this configuration file to apply changes (if neccesary).

(3) Enter in each VM and execute this installation script as follows:
python --auth auth.conf

The auth.conf is a file required by the application with the following confidential information (owncloud login username and password):

oc_account_name = user1  
oc_account_password = password1

Note: Alternatively, you can manually set up the machine with the documentation available in documentation.

Deploy and set up a testing cluster of containers (Docker)

If you want to set up the cluster with containers. You should run the following commands:

docker build -t debian-smashbox
docker run -it -e SMASHBOX_OC_ACCOUNT_NAME="XXXX" -e  SMASHBOX_OC_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD="YYYYYY" -e SMASHBOX_OC_SERVER="" debian-smashbox:latest bash

The docker build should make reference to the dockerfile with the image desired to set up. Then, it is also neccesary to define the following environment variables:


Manually set up a machine for continuos testing and monitoring

The documentation and steps to manually setup a machine are in: ./documentation

Monitoring and Analysis with kibana

The goal of this section is to provide a convenient monitoring tool for the deployed smashbox testing architecture. For this purpose it has been choosen kibana for visualization and elasticsearch to store tests results.

In order to visualize the test results in kibana; first it is needed to provide the following parameters in smashbox/etc/smashbox.conf

  • kibana_monitoring_host. This is the host machine where you have running kibana. For example: kibana_monitoring_host = "http://monit-metrics"
  • kibana_monitoring_port. This is the port to communicate with ELK. For example: kibana_monitoring_port = "10012"
  • kibana_activity. This is an additional parameter to be able to identify the data that you are sending to ELK. For example: kibana_activity = "smashbox-regression"

The kibana web interface is accessible in

If you don't have yet the dashboard configured. You can download the json file kibana\cernbox-smashbox.json; then you need to go to the tab "management" in kibana and import this json file as a saved of object.

Alt text

The dashboard has been designed to monitor the failed tests running smashbox with different OwnCloud client versions and different platforms. For regression testing, tests are executed periodically according to the csv file provided in the deployment and the schedule specified there.

Alt text

** Note: This section is based on the current deployed ELK architecture at CERN. In order to easily deploy an ELK architecture there is a document describing the procedure kibana/elk-docker.pdf.


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