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nevo-david committed Dec 17, 2024
1 parent 60b70ea commit 5acdd88
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Showing 2 changed files with 122 additions and 133 deletions.
212 changes: 106 additions & 106 deletions apps/frontend/src/components/layout/settings.component.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,112 +89,112 @@ export const SettingsPopup: FC<{ getRef?: Ref<any> }> = (props) => {
!getRef && 'p-[32px] rounded-[4px] border border-customColor6'
{!getRef && (
className="outline-none absolute right-[20px] top-[20px] mantine-UnstyledButton-root mantine-ActionIcon-root hover:bg-tableBorder cursor-pointer mantine-Modal-close mantine-1dcetaa"
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d="M11.7816 4.03157C12.0062 3.80702 12.0062 3.44295 11.7816 3.2184C11.5571 2.99385 11.193 2.99385 10.9685 3.2184L7.50005 6.68682L4.03164 3.2184C3.80708 2.99385 3.44301 2.99385 3.21846 3.2184C2.99391 3.44295 2.99391 3.80702 3.21846 4.03157L6.68688 7.49999L3.21846 10.9684C2.99391 11.193 2.99391 11.557 3.21846 11.7816C3.44301 12.0061 3.80708 12.0061 4.03164 11.7816L7.50005 8.31316L10.9685 11.7816C11.193 12.0061 11.5571 12.0061 11.7816 11.7816C12.0062 11.557 12.0062 11.193 11.7816 10.9684L8.31322 7.49999L11.7816 4.03157Z"
{!getRef && (
<div className="text-[24px] font-[600]">Profile Settings</div>
<div className="flex flex-col gap-[4px]">
<div className="text-[20px] font-[500]">Profile</div>
<div className="text-[14px] text-customColor18 font-[400]">
Add profile information
<div className="rounded-[4px] border border-customColor6 p-[24px] flex flex-col">
<div className="flex justify-between items-center">
<div className="w-[455px]">
<Input label="Full Name" name="fullname" />
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{!!picture?.path && (
className="w-full h-full rounded-full"
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<div className="text-[14px]">Profile Picture</div>
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d="M12.25 8.3126V11.3751C12.25 11.6072 12.1578 11.8297 11.9937 11.9938C11.8296 12.1579 11.6071 12.2501 11.375 12.2501H2.625C2.39294 12.2501 2.17038 12.1579 2.00628 11.9938C1.84219 11.8297 1.75 11.6072 1.75 11.3751V8.3126C1.75 8.19657 1.79609 8.08529 1.87814 8.00324C1.96019 7.92119 2.07147 7.8751 2.1875 7.8751C2.30353 7.8751 2.41481 7.92119 2.49686 8.00324C2.57891 8.08529 2.625 8.19657 2.625 8.3126V11.3751H11.375V8.3126C11.375 8.19657 11.4211 8.08529 11.5031 8.00324C11.5852 7.92119 11.6965 7.8751 11.8125 7.8751C11.9285 7.8751 12.0398 7.92119 12.1219 8.00324C12.2039 8.08529 12.25 8.19657 12.25 8.3126ZM5.12203 4.68463L6.5625 3.24362V8.3126C6.5625 8.42863 6.60859 8.53991 6.69064 8.62196C6.77269 8.70401 6.88397 8.7501 7 8.7501C7.11603 8.7501 7.22731 8.70401 7.30936 8.62196C7.39141 8.53991 7.4375 8.42863 7.4375 8.3126V3.24362L8.87797 4.68463C8.96006 4.76672 9.0714 4.81284 9.1875 4.81284C9.3036 4.81284 9.41494 4.76672 9.49703 4.68463C9.57912 4.60254 9.62524 4.4912 9.62524 4.3751C9.62524 4.259 9.57912 4.14766 9.49703 4.06557L7.30953 1.87807C7.2689 1.83739 7.22065 1.80512 7.16754 1.78311C7.11442 1.76109 7.05749 1.74976 7 1.74976C6.94251 1.74976 6.88558 1.76109 6.83246 1.78311C6.77935 1.80512 6.7311 1.83739 6.69047 1.87807L4.50297 4.06557C4.42088 4.14766 4.37476 4.259 4.37476 4.3751C4.37476 4.4912 4.42088 4.60254 4.50297 4.68463C4.58506 4.76672 4.6964 4.81284 4.8125 4.81284C4.9286 4.81284 5.03994 4.76672 5.12203 4.68463Z"
<div className="text-[12px] text-white" onClick={openMedia}>
Upload image
className="h-[24px] w-[88px] rounded-[4px] border-2 border-customColor21 hover:text-red-600 flex justify-center items-center gap-[4px]"
viewBox="0 0 14 14"
d="M11.8125 2.625H9.625V2.1875C9.625 1.8394 9.48672 1.50556 9.24058 1.25942C8.99444 1.01328 8.6606 0.875 8.3125 0.875H5.6875C5.3394 0.875 5.00556 1.01328 4.75942 1.25942C4.51328 1.50556 4.375 1.8394 4.375 2.1875V2.625H2.1875C2.07147 2.625 1.96019 2.67109 1.87814 2.75314C1.79609 2.83519 1.75 2.94647 1.75 3.0625C1.75 3.17853 1.79609 3.28981 1.87814 3.37186C1.96019 3.45391 2.07147 3.5 2.1875 3.5H2.625V11.375C2.625 11.6071 2.71719 11.8296 2.88128 11.9937C3.04538 12.1578 3.26794 12.25 3.5 12.25H10.5C10.7321 12.25 10.9546 12.1578 11.1187 11.9937C11.2828 11.8296 11.375 11.6071 11.375 11.375V3.5H11.8125C11.9285 3.5 12.0398 3.45391 12.1219 3.37186C12.2039 3.28981 12.25 3.17853 12.25 3.0625C12.25 2.94647 12.2039 2.83519 12.1219 2.75314C12.0398 2.67109 11.9285 2.625 11.8125 2.625ZM5.25 2.1875C5.25 2.07147 5.29609 1.96019 5.37814 1.87814C5.46019 1.79609 5.57147 1.75 5.6875 1.75H8.3125C8.42853 1.75 8.53981 1.79609 8.62186 1.87814C8.70391 1.96019 8.75 2.07147 8.75 2.1875V2.625H5.25V2.1875ZM10.5 11.375H3.5V3.5H10.5V11.375ZM6.125 5.6875V9.1875C6.125 9.30353 6.07891 9.41481 5.99686 9.49686C5.91481 9.57891 5.80353 9.625 5.6875 9.625C5.57147 9.625 5.46019 9.57891 5.37814 9.49686C5.29609 9.41481 5.25 9.30353 5.25 9.1875V5.6875C5.25 5.57147 5.29609 5.46019 5.37814 5.37814C5.46019 5.29609 5.57147 5.25 5.6875 5.25C5.80353 5.25 5.91481 5.29609 5.99686 5.37814C6.07891 5.46019 6.125 5.57147 6.125 5.6875ZM8.75 5.6875V9.1875C8.75 9.30353 8.70391 9.41481 8.62186 9.49686C8.53981 9.57891 8.42853 9.625 8.3125 9.625C8.19647 9.625 8.08519 9.57891 8.00314 9.49686C7.92109 9.41481 7.875 9.30353 7.875 9.1875V5.6875C7.875 5.57147 7.92109 5.46019 8.00314 5.37814C8.08519 5.29609 8.19647 5.25 8.3125 5.25C8.42853 5.25 8.53981 5.29609 8.62186 5.37814C8.70391 5.46019 8.75 5.57147 8.75 5.6875Z"
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{!getRef && (
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{/*{!getRef && (*/}
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{/*{!getRef && (*/}
{/* <div className="text-[24px] font-[600]">Profile Settings</div>*/}
{/*<div className="flex flex-col gap-[4px]">*/}
{/* <div className="text-[20px] font-[500]">Profile</div>*/}
{/* <div className="text-[14px] text-customColor18 font-[400]">*/}
{/* Add profile information*/}
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{/*<div className="rounded-[4px] border border-customColor6 p-[24px] flex flex-col">*/}
{/* <div className="flex justify-between items-center">*/}
{/* <div className="w-[455px]">*/}
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{/* <div className="flex flex-col gap-[2px]">*/}
{/* <div className="text-[14px]">Profile Picture</div>*/}
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{/* d="M11.8125 2.625H9.625V2.1875C9.625 1.8394 9.48672 1.50556 9.24058 1.25942C8.99444 1.01328 8.6606 0.875 8.3125 0.875H5.6875C5.3394 0.875 5.00556 1.01328 4.75942 1.25942C4.51328 1.50556 4.375 1.8394 4.375 2.1875V2.625H2.1875C2.07147 2.625 1.96019 2.67109 1.87814 2.75314C1.79609 2.83519 1.75 2.94647 1.75 3.0625C1.75 3.17853 1.79609 3.28981 1.87814 3.37186C1.96019 3.45391 2.07147 3.5 2.1875 3.5H2.625V11.375C2.625 11.6071 2.71719 11.8296 2.88128 11.9937C3.04538 12.1578 3.26794 12.25 3.5 12.25H10.5C10.7321 12.25 10.9546 12.1578 11.1187 11.9937C11.2828 11.8296 11.375 11.6071 11.375 11.375V3.5H11.8125C11.9285 3.5 12.0398 3.45391 12.1219 3.37186C12.2039 3.28981 12.25 3.17853 12.25 3.0625C12.25 2.94647 12.2039 2.83519 12.1219 2.75314C12.0398 2.67109 11.9285 2.625 11.8125 2.625ZM5.25 2.1875C5.25 2.07147 5.29609 1.96019 5.37814 1.87814C5.46019 1.79609 5.57147 1.75 5.6875 1.75H8.3125C8.42853 1.75 8.53981 1.79609 8.62186 1.87814C8.70391 1.96019 8.75 2.07147 8.75 2.1875V2.625H5.25V2.1875ZM10.5 11.375H3.5V3.5H10.5V11.375ZM6.125 5.6875V9.1875C6.125 9.30353 6.07891 9.41481 5.99686 9.49686C5.91481 9.57891 5.80353 9.625 5.6875 9.625C5.57147 9.625 5.46019 9.57891 5.37814 9.49686C5.29609 9.41481 5.25 9.30353 5.25 9.1875V5.6875C5.25 5.57147 5.29609 5.46019 5.37814 5.37814C5.46019 5.29609 5.57147 5.25 5.6875 5.25C5.80353 5.25 5.91481 5.29609 5.99686 5.37814C6.07891 5.46019 6.125 5.57147 6.125 5.6875ZM8.75 5.6875V9.1875C8.75 9.30353 8.70391 9.41481 8.62186 9.49686C8.53981 9.57891 8.42853 9.625 8.3125 9.625C8.19647 9.625 8.08519 9.57891 8.00314 9.49686C7.92109 9.41481 7.875 9.30353 7.875 9.1875V5.6875C7.875 5.57147 7.92109 5.46019 8.00314 5.37814C8.08519 5.29609 8.19647 5.25 8.3125 5.25C8.42853 5.25 8.53981 5.29609 8.62186 5.37814C8.70391 5.46019 8.75 5.57147 8.75 5.6875Z"*/}
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{/* <Button type="submit" className='rounded-md'>Save</Button>*/}
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{!!user?.tier?.team_members && isGeneral && <TeamsComponent />}
{!!user?.tier?.public_api && isGeneral && showLogout && <PublicComponent />}
{showLogout && <LogoutComponent />}
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