This is simple remake of BomberMan in Unreal Engine 4.18
- Download the repo, and load in Unreal Engine. This has been developed with 4.18.2, Preview 4
- Launch the editor and compile the C++ code
- Start the game with Play, from the MENU scene (GameLevel/Menu)
- Enjoy!
- Procedurally generated map - Automatically generates a bomberman-style map, using different 'tiles' - grass, unbreakable and breakable pieces. Procedural map also regenerates the navigation mesh for future AI.
- Local 2 players - just spheres for now. Overriding the Player viewport client class required to make 2 players use the same keyboard. As outlined here:
- Left player WSAD and Left-Shift for bomb. Right player Arrow keys, and Right shift for bomb.
- Bombs planted explode left / right and up / down only, according to a range which can be powered up with pickups.
- Powerups - Extra bomb, increase explosion range, increase player speed, remote controlled bombs.
- Remote controlled bombs are triggered with the same key that is used to plant them. This effect lasts 10 seconds.
- Smart camera that pans and zooms to keep all relevant items on screen - players, powerups and bombs.
- Simple AI that follows you and tries to bomb you, runs away, and goes after pickups as they appear.
- Powerups are driven by simple blueprints, making it easy for a game designer to create other powerups that hook into exposed properties without needing to write any C++.
- 3 textures from purchased assets - Painterly terrain textures, and Landscape stone.!/content/15334
- Pickup assets from purchased asset pack:
- Don't use GetAllActorsOfClass in the smart camera. Keep a record of bombs, players and powerups via the Game Mode.
- More sound effects.
- Music.
- Better user interface.
- Network support for multiplayer online.
- Player graphics - replace spheres with characters.
- AI - smarter enemy player.
- More powerup types.
- Patrolling monsters.
- Some of the C++ aspects might be better served in Blueprints, and vice versa.
- Total development time, approximately 14.5 hours.
- AI is strictly blueprints. With more time, it would be made into a combination of C++ and Behaviour Trees / Blackboards.