Releases: gliscowo/isometric-renders
[1.21.4] Isometric Renders - 0.4.8
This build is a straightforward port to 1.21.4 - support for older versions will be dropped
[1.21.2+] Isometric Renders - 0.4.8
Besides porting the mod to 1.21.2/3, this release also fixes a minor problem with Chests (and similar inventories) not being closed properly when using the CTRL+F12 rendering shortcut (#109)
[1.21] Isometric Renders - 0.4.7
This build is a straightforward port to 1.21 - support for older versions will be dropped
[1.20.5+] Isometric Renders - 0.4.7
This build is a straightforward port of 0.4.7+1.20.3 to 1.20.5/6
[1.20.3+] Isometric Renders - 0.4.7
- Batch render tasks (like
/isorender namespace
or pressing ctrl+f12 in an inventory) can now render all item's tooltips in addition to the items or blocks themselves
- WorldMesher has been updated to fix compatibility with the latest Fabric API changes
- As a consequence of this update, side faces of fluid blocks touching the edge of an area render now show up
[1.20.3+] Isometric Renders - 0.4.6
This is a straightforward port to 1.20.3/4 - support for older versions will be dropped
[1.20.1] Isometric Renders - 0.4.6
0.4.6+1.20.2 display area selection keybind on HUD component (closes #77)
This is a straightforward port to 1.20.2 - support for older versions will be dropped
This build includes a newer version of WorldMesher to fix compatibility with the latest Fabric API versions. Going forwards, using an incompatible Fabric API / Indigo version will no longer crash but instead disable Fabric Model rendering and log an error
This is a straightforward port to 1.20 - support for older versions will be dropped