datap is a lightweight DSL (Domain Specific Language) to define configurable, modular, and re-usable data processes for use in the R programming language. datap contexts can be used to acquire, pre-process, quality-assure, and merge data in a way that is completely transparent to the user.
Your data can be anything, and it can come from any source (the internet, a third-party provider, screen-scraping, a file, from memory, by calling an R function, or data generated on the fly by your context, etc.).
datap is useful to many ends. For example
- to quickly get you up and running with a new project, especially if you need data from multiple sources
- to define readable and query-able attributes on your data sets and data series (e.g. "give me the timeseries of all stocks I am using for strategy X")
- to organise your data sets hierarchically (e.g. "give me water quality of all OECD countries")
- to separate configuration from code (configuration: your datap context; code: your code consuming the context. e.g. "Let's add another stock to that strategy!")
- to start simply first, and become sophisticated later (e.g. start by downloading data from Quandl, for productive use you simply replace the datap context file with a Bloomberg configuration; or: start with Yahoo finance data, later use your own database. All with datap!)
- to create an in-memory hierarchical database of data sets (datap can cache your data!)
- to share data requirements, without actually sharing the data (on Stack Overflow: "Please use the context defined in this gist. It defines all the data you need to reproduce the problem.")
- to define exactly how to update your data sets
In practice, each datap setup will consist of the following elements:
- A datap context, i.e. a YAML file
- R functions (your own or from packages)
- The datap interpreter, i.e. the R datap package
Each context is defined in in a yaml file and contains a series of hierarchically organised taps. Each tap represents a specific dataset, together with its source and pre-processing steps. Consider the following, very simple context that is provided with the datap package as context2.yaml:
type: structure
type: tap
type: processor
function: Quandl::Quandl(code = 'YAHOO/AAPL', type = 'xts')
type: tap
type: processor
function: Quandl::Quandl(code = 'YAHOO/TSLA', type = 'xts')
type: structure
type: tap
type: processor
function: quantmod::getSymbols(Symbols = '^GSPC', auto.assign = FALSE)
It defines three taps (Apple, Tesla, and S&P500), and organises stocks and indices neatly in a hierarchical structure.
The R functions do the actual units of work of the pre-processing steps defined in (1) above, like e.g. downloading data from the internet, data cleaning, merging, etc. These functions can come from your own R scripts, or from third-party packages. The packages are typically datap-agnostic. For example, you can use Quandl, rvest, etc.
In the above example, we use the ´Quandl´ package and the ´quantmod´ package.
The interpreter parses the datap context, and maps pre-processing steps defined in (1) to actual library functions available in (2), so as to provide to the user - for each tap - a callable tap function
If you have the datap package installed, you can load the context into memory using the datap::Load function:
filePath <- system.file("extdata", "context2.yaml", package="datap")
context <- Load(filePath)
The context looks like this:
## levelName
## 1 context
## 2 ¦--stocks
## 3 ¦ ¦--Apple
## 4 ¦ °--Tesla
## 5 °--indices
## 6 °--S&P500
And you can directly navigate to a tap to fetch the data:
teslaBars <- context$stocks$Tesla$tap()
## Open High Low Close Volume Adjusted Close
## 2010-06-29 19.00 25.00 17.54 23.89 18766300 23.89
## 2010-06-30 25.79 30.42 23.30 23.83 17187100 23.83
## 2010-07-01 25.00 25.92 20.27 21.96 8218800 21.96
## 2010-07-02 23.00 23.10 18.71 19.20 5139800 19.20
## 2010-07-06 20.00 20.00 15.83 16.11 6866900 16.11
## 2010-07-07 16.40 16.63 14.98 15.80 6921700 15.80
For the user of the context, it is completely transparent where the data is coming from, and how it is pre-processed. For example, the S&P500 index is downloaded from Yahoo finance and not from Quandl. Yet, the user accesses the dataset in exactly the same way:
spx <- context$indices$`S&P500`$tap()
## GSPC.Open
## 2007-01-03 1418.03
## 2007-01-04 1416.60
## 2007-01-05 1418.34
## 2007-01-08 1409.26
## 2007-01-09 1412.84
## 2007-01-10 1408.70
However, in a real world scenario additional pre-processing steps are necessary to make sure that the structure of the data is indeed uniform across datasets from different sources. This, in a nutshell, is what constitutes the bells and whistles of datap.