Generation Date and Time Mon Oct 30 2023 16:31:09 GMT-0300 (Brasilia Standard Time) |
App Generator @sap/generator-fiori-freestyle |
App Generator Version 1.11.3 |
Generation Platform Visual Studio Code |
Template Used simple |
Service Type OData Url |
Service URL |
Module Name browserorders |
Application Title Browser Orders |
Namespace com.lab2dev |
UI5 Theme sap_horizon |
UI5 Version 1.119.2 |
Enable Code Assist Libraries False |
Enable TypeScript False |
Add Eslint configuration False |
A Fiori application.
- This app has been generated using the SAP Fiori tools - App Generator, as part of the SAP Fiori tools suite. In order to launch the generated app, simply run the following from the generated app root folder:
npm start
- It is also possible to run the application using mock data that reflects the OData Service URL supplied during application generation. In order to run the application with Mock Data, run the following from the generated app root folder:
npm run start-mock
- Active NodeJS LTS (Long Term Support) version and associated supported NPM version. (See