Plugin format_flexsecitons for Moodle LMS.
Allows to organise course content in sections:
- Each section may be displayed on the same page or as a link to a separate page;
- It is possible to nest sections under each other;
- When teacher hides a section all nested sections and activities become hidden as well;
- If a section has both activities and subsections activities are displayed first.
Plugin can be downloaded from
To see the source code and to create pull request please use branches that correspond to the version you are using:
- Branch MOODLE_400_STABLE - for Moodle 4.0, has UI inline with Moodle 4.0
- Branch MOODLE_311_STABLE - for Moodle 3.5-3.11
- Branch MOODLE_400_QUICK - contains version 4.0.0 for Moodle 4.0, has the same UI as the previous verions course formats