STACK is an assessment system for mathematics, science and related disciplines. STACK is a question type for the Moodle learning management system, and also the ILIAS learning management system.
STACK was created by Chris Sangwin of the University of Edinburgh, and includes the work of many other contributors. A demonstration server is available at the University of Edinburgh:
STACK is based on continuing research and use at the University of Edinburgh, the Open University, Aalto, Loughborough University, the University of Birmingham and others.
STACK 4.3 contains some important re-engineering of core components. This will enable significant new features in future releases. STACK 4.3.8 contains minor bug fixes and minor improvements.
Please continue to report any bugs you find at
The current state of development is explained more fully in the developer documentation.
The documentation is here, including the installation instructions.
STACK is Licensed under the GNU General Public, License Version 3.