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Colin Decker edited this page May 19, 2015 · 1 revision


Benchmark. Also benchmark class. A user-written class which extends Benchmark. Example:

public class ClockBenchmark extends Benchmark {
  public void timeNanoTime(int reps) {
    for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {

Benchmark Method. A single method in a benchmark class, whose purpose is to execute the code you wish to measure for the given number of reps. For the microbenchmark (and allocation) instruments, this method's name must begin with time and it must accept an int or long parameter for the rep count.

Caliper. This framework, or specifically the caliper executable command that runs a single benchmark.

Environment. An automatically-recorded description of the hardware, operating system, and JRE installation on which a particular measurement was taken. This does not include JVM arguments, benchmark parameters or other settings the user can directly control; environment attributes are specified only indirectly, by telling Caliper what hostname to connect to and the pathname of the JRE to invoke.

Instrument. (Definition.) Examples: microbenchmark, macrobenchmark, allocation, footprint, arbitrary measurement.

Measurement. A fact (usually a quantity) measured empirically by Caliper, corresponding to a specific scenario. Each run of a benchmark will record one or more measurements per scenario derived. Usually a measurement is of elapsed time, but it is possible to specify alternate instruments to gather measurements of other types.

Parameter. A value that is injected into a field of a benchmark class that has been marked with the @Param annotation. Multiple values can be configured for each parameter, either by defaults embedded in the class itself or at the command line, and the framework will test each value separately.

Reps. the number of times that the benchmark method will loop for a given measurement. Users typically don't have to control this directly; caliper chooses these values (hopefully) sensibly.

Scenario. a fully-specified "instance" of a benchmark, having a specific value for each axis. A scenario is executable. For example, a run of a benchmark that has one parameter that can take on three values, that is requested to run on both the server and client VMs, will yield six distinct scenarios, all of which will be measured. In a perfect world, a given scenario would only need to be measured once, because its value would never change.

Run. a collection of distinct scenarios executed in batch on a single host environment.

Trial. The collection of a single measurement, for a specific scenario, which involves spawning a new JVM, warming up, and a number of invocations of your benchmark method. Currently, by default, Caliper conducts only one trial per scenario, but it is a good idea to increase this using --trials n on the command line.

Axis. any factor affecting your benchmark that can take on multiple potential values. A parameter is one type of axis -- one that is user-defined. Other axes include those detected in the environment, which benchmark method is running, the version of your code, JVM arguments, etc.

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