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Ground web app architecture

Michael Marturana edited this page Apr 21, 2021 · 1 revision

The Ground web app is written in TypeScript, using the Angular (not AngularJS) framework. The app uses the functional reactive programming paradigm with the RxJS library and unidirectional data streams.

Web app diagram


The web app is comprised of the following elements:

  • Components: Elements in the UI are defined as components.
    • Main page container component: All of the UI components in the main map view are grouped into the main page container component, which is called by the router when the app is loaded. For example, the Google Maps Angular component draws the map elements.
  • Model: The app model contains the objects that define the representations of the domain concepts, such as points, observations, projects, location features, and geoJSON features.
  • Services:
    • High-level services: Include ProjectService and LayerService.
    • Low-level services: Include DataStoreService and AuthService.

Data flows

  • Components subscribe to Rx streams obtained from services. For example the map component subscribes to the feature$ stream and updates the map when feature changes occur.
  • Global streams, such the activeProject$ stream in the ProjectService are used to represent shared app state.
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