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Luke Cassar edited this page Dec 6, 2018 · 4 revisions


User Name Display

Where a preferred name has not been provided, the User's full name will be used.

GovHack Authentication

This will be implemented with Devise.

Google Account Authentication

This will be implemented with Omniauth.

Picture Order

If none is specified, a User's ProfilePic should be chosen in the below order of priority.

  1. Google
  2. GovHack
  3. Gravatar


Attendees will be counted based on when they changed their status to 'Intending'.

The number of Attendances registered as Intendings will be counted and those who fall outside of the capacity count of the venue will be put on the waitlist.

❕ For this reason, it is very important that a User's Assignment's title not be amended from anything to 'Participant' as this would potentially push a previously accepted and notified participant into the waitlist.

Attendance to Events Only For Assignments of Participant or VIP

Someone can also not be both a Participant and a VIP

Viewing Policy

If a Participant has an Attendance set to 'Pending' they have a MAX_DECISION_TIME in which to amend their status to 'Intending' before their 'place' is potentially lost to someone else who registered their intention to attend before.

E-mail Newly accepted Attendees.

Waitlistees should be notified if they are removed from the waiting list.

Event Hide

An event will be public and visible by default but will be able to be hidden by the GovHack Management Team.

Sponsor Order

Sponsor's will be Ordered first in groups based on the SponsorshipType then within groups by date created.

Region Policy

❗ Need this clarified.

At the moment, the 'root' region is assumed to be the national region, it's direct children are the states/territories and will store the time zone, and their children will not need to store a timezone.

The root/national region will be preloaded by default.

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