Example with injecting image md5 sum linked in a CSS file.
$assetsVersion = new \Granam\WebContentBuilder\AssetsVersion(); // will scan for *.css, *.html and *.md by default,
/** body {
background-image: url("/img/someone.jpeg");
} */
echo file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/css/main.css');
$changedFiles = $assetsVersion->addVersionsToAssetLinks(
__DIR__ /* as document root */,
['css' ]/* to document root relative dirs to scan */,
[]/* no dirs to exclude */,
[]/* no exact files to scan */,
false /* no dry run to change files directly */
/** Array (
[0] => '/home/jaroslav/projects/granam/web-content-builder/css/main.css'
) */
/** body {
background-image: url("/img/someone.jpeg?version=664a924915e642c7dc89af370114629a");
} */
echo file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/css/main.css');
echo md5_file(__DIR__ . '/img/someone.jpeg'); // 664a924915e642c7dc89af370114629a