yarn add @grapgrap/use-fetch
This package need react
and react-dom
as peer dependencies.
yarn add react react-dom
use swr
So, Return of useFetch
is similar with useSWR
useFetch = <Data, Params>(
def?: APIDef<Data, Params>,
params?: Params,
fallbackData?: Data,
options: {
axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig;
swrConfig?: SWRConfiguration<Data>;
} = {}
): {
data?: Data;
error?: APIError;
loading: boolean;
mutate: KeyedMutator<Data>;
Conditional fetch
call api when only has APIDef.
const userId = user?.id;
useFetch(userId && GetUserAPIDef, {
params: {
id: userId,
type User = {
name: string;
type Params = {
id: string;
const GetUserByIdAPIDef: APIDef<User, { params: Params }> = {
url: '/user/{id}',
method: 'GET',
consumes special config is called APIDef
is similar with AxiosRequestConfig
can have url
and method
, another baseURL
And APIDef
can have types of response and request params, request body.
But special thing is, APIDef
can interpolate params in url.
1. Simple case
const id = 'something_user_id';
useFetch(GetUserByIdAPIDef, {
params: { id },
// interpolated url: `/user/something_user_id`
2. Multiple interpolation case
type Params = {
store_id: string;
item_id: string;
const GetItemInStoreAPI: APIDef<Item, { params: Params }> = {
url: '/stores/{store_id}/items/{item_id}',
useFetch(GetItemInStoreAPI, {
params: {
store_id: 's_131425',
item_id: 'i_41525',
// interpolated url: `/stores/s_131425/items/i_41525`
3. Rest parameter after interpolate
type Params = {
store_id: string;
offset: number;
limit: number;
const GetItemListInStoreAPI: APIDef<Item, { params: Params }> = {
url: '/stores/{store_id}/items/',
useFetch(GetItemListInStoreAPI, {
params: {
store_id: 's_131425',
offset: 0,
limit: 10,
// interpolated url: '/stores/s_131425'
// parameter: { offset: 0, limit: 10 }